What's That Stench? It smells like Grade-A Honesty! The Place for Direct Opinions on Movies and TV Shows!
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Coming Soon to My Blog: A Quick Look at The Future
1. More live-blogging of "Saturday Night Live." This upcoming Saturday marks the start of three consecutive weeks of live episodes. Every week there is a new episode, I will be posting my comments as the show airs; reviewing the writing of the sketches as well as the performances. My coverage for December kicks off this Saturday night when Steve Buscemi will be hosting the show for his second time. Joining him will be The Black Keys; who will be serving as the show's musical guest for the second time. I look forward to covering this week's episode; as well as the following two shows airing on December 10 and 17 respectfully. I will be live-blogging and reviewing every episode for the rest of the season as well; so beprepared! I will be blogging ALOT!!!
2. In-depth film reviews will be featured on my blog. I will be posting detailed critiques that concentrate on the plotline and th acting in different films; as well as commenting on any matters that come to mind. Before the end of the month, I plan on posting comprehensive reviews for your reading pleasure. I look forward to seeing good films in the upcoming weeks; so keep your eyes open. YOU DO NOT want to miss out on a single review.
3. I will be offering reviews of television shows as well. I look forward to posting commentaries on the state of certain shows in the next upcoming weeks. For instance, I plan on writing a commentary on the overall state of "The Office;" detailing on my thoughts on how the show has recently fared without Steve Carell. In addition, I will be writing my overall opinions on the current state of "Saturday Night Live" which will include details on the show's writing and performances as well as the complete treatment of the show's hosts throughout the first half of the season. Expect this writing to be up sometime after the episodes in December have all aired.
4. Finally, as 2012 gets underway, I will post my thoughts on some of my favorite films of 2011. Instead of posting my Top Ten Films (which I did this past January), I will be sharing My Favorite Performances of 2011. This will focus on which actresses and actors stood out this past year and why. A good number of performances have impressed me this year and I look forward to sharing them with you. This will be posted in early 2012; as I await some great feats for December.
Furthermore, as Award Season heats up, you can bet that I will be getting into the spirit of the season. I plan on commenting on the performances of actresses and actors that get nominated for either Golden Globe (The announcements will be made on December 15) or an Academy Award (The announcements will be on January 24, 2012). I will be posting an article that focuses on a the overall impact of a nominated performance. Furthermore, I will post detailed reviews of nominated films and whether or not they deserve the honors. Then, during the telecast of the 69th Annual Golden Globes, I will be posting my comments on how the evening's playing out and whether or not the right people are winning. I will be live-blogging the 84th Annual Academy Awards on February 26, 2012 as well. Henceforth, the next few months are going to be VERY BUSY!!!
In addition, December 2 marks the One-Year Anniversary of "That's Nater-Tainment!!!" I can't believe that I've been blogging a full year! It's been an AMAZING experience reviewing different films, Opinionating on My Favorite Television Programs, and Live-Blogging Awards Shows and Episodes of "Saturday Night Live!" It's Been So Much Fun and I Don't I Thank You All for Following, Visiting, and Commenting on my blog. I look forward to the future and I don't want it to stop! So stay tuned for More Nater-Tainment!!!!
E-mail me at thatsnatertainment@gmx.com
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
A Notice About My Next Blog Post
I want to thank you all for following and visiting my blog I have fun writing my articles and your support means a lot to me. I wish you all a very happy Thanksgiving and I look forward to posting me next writing. Have a great holiday weekend!
E-mail me at thatsnatertainment@gmx.com
Sunday, November 20, 2011
A "That's Nater-Tainment!" Special Writing
Community" centers around the lives of a seven-member study group taking classes at a fictional communmity college in the state of Colorado. The show's ensemble, which includes Joel McHale, the ever-witty host of "The Soup" on E!, as well as Original "Saturday Night Live" Castmember and Comedy Legend Chevy Chase, possesses great chemistry; as they are able to play off each other with ingenius penache. In addition, everyone's acting matches-up perfectly; thus establishing them as genuine indivudals. Furthermore, the show's writers supply a good amount of humor and emotion into the episodes; thus allowing the audience to become completely engrossed in their adventures; not wanting to miss a moment of the action. In other words, "Community" is a program that that shouldn't be missed!
Now I could just go on and write a long opinion piece like I always do. But the very fact that "Community" is going to be leaving televisions for an unknown amount of time, possibly forever, I thought it would be pivotal to write a more creative and reflective piece. After all, "Community" deserves something different than my usual type of writing. Thus, without further ado, I now present:
An Ode To NBC's "Community"
Image of (from left to right): Yvette Nicole Brown as Shirley Bennett, Danny Pudi as Abed Nadir, Ken Jeong as Ben Chang, Donald Glover as Troy Barnes, Gilan Jacobs as Britta Perry, Chevy Chase as Pierce Hawthorne, Allison Brie as Annie Edison, and Joel McHale as Jeff Winger
taken from http://www.google.com/imgres?hl=en&sa=X&biw=1280&bih=592&tbm=isch&prmd=imvnsu&tbnid=Cmbh4cVgG980OM:&imgrefurl=http://laist.com/2010/09/30/tv_junkie_442.php&docid=lmrBTfAAeFnefM&imgurl=http://laist.com/attachments/la_tomdog/NBC-Community.jpg&w=350&h=339&ei=HQDLTqidEafr0gHQkfkG&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=875&sig=105171626053390580017&page=1&tbnh=124&tbnw=128&start=0&ndsp=19&ved=1t:429,r:1,s:0&tx=80&ty=100
Since Fall 2009
The quality of my favorite programs hasn’t been entirely fine
“Saturday Night Live’s” writing has become very poor
And even though I still like “The Office,” it’s not quite as good as before
Fortunately there is a show that more-than-satisfies me
With great performances and writing; it’s called “Community”
For now two-and-a-half years
I’ve been letting out several laughs and cheers
The series’ primary characters are all funny
Learning life lessons at Greendale Community College; rain or sunny
A study group they are; seven in all
Their personalities all unique; thus making the show an absolute ball
And each character is perfectly cast
Their acting is exciting; their chemistry is a blast
Joel McHale dryly plays former lawyer Jeff Winger
Who’s routinely ready with a smirk and a zinger
A smooth-talking ladies' man Winger appears to be
But a strong lack of passion is a major drawback to him
Very self-conscious; feelings he tries to hold
To get his degree in four years and leave Greendale; that is his goal
It has been evident that for his friends he does care for
Thus confirming that with them, Jeff does have rapport
Britta Perry, vividly played by Gillian Jacobs, a high school dropout
She likes to make her opinions heard; even in the form of a shout
It was to impress her that Joel McHale’s Jeff Winger formed the study band
Though Britta, being a skeptic, his motives she saw and did understand
While she has proven to be cynical during each broadcast season
Britta ultimately serves as the group’s voice of reason
Even though the group mocks when her seriousness ruins their fun
She’s been with them since the series begun
Also, there’s Shirley Bennett; played cordially by Yvette Nicole Brown
Frequently sporting a smile; she has been known to seriously frown
Shirley’s taking classes at Greendale and is a mother of three
Though polite and warm, very judgmental is she
If someone performs an act that can be considered moot
Shirley is quick to impute
Ultimately, however, when it comes to helping a friend
Her caring doesn’t end
There’s also Abed Nadir, played deeply by Danny Pudi, who’s a pop-culture wiz
Taking classes in film; he hopes to one day make it big in the biz
By employing his knowledge of movies and TV
Abed can predict what the outcomes of a given situation will be
He is a fan of ABC’s “Cougar Town” and Director Quentin Tarentino
Along with Troy Barnes, they pretend to host a morning talk show
Though it appears Abed only knows entertainment, of life he is also wise
If anyone in the study group has a serious problem, Abed will give good advice
Donald Glover excitedly plays Troy Barnes; selected high school prom king
At the stat of the series, an overconfident manner did he bring
But as the show progressed, he had a change of mind
He became more easy-going, fun-loving, and kind
His friendship with Danny Pudi’s Abed Nadir is very tight
Hardly ever do they ever fight
Whether they are watching “Inspector Spacetime” or playing a game
They get along great; as their interests are typically the same
However, while it appears that for his life, there is no set plan
Troy Barnes’ has proven that he can be a responsible young man
Then there’s Annie Edison; played keenly by Allison Brie
Very academic; a highflyer she tries to be
At the start of the series, for Donald Glover’s Troy Barnes she did pine
But her yearning for him decreased over time
And as the series progressed, there have been signs
That feelings for Joel McHale’s Jeff Winger are on her mind
Jeff, in turn, appears to indeed care
When facing a crisis, for Annie he is often there
Annie's very bright, optimistic and cheerful
When frustrated, however, her screams are an earful
And back on television once more,
Chevy Chase greatly stars as Pierce Hawthorne
A moist towelette tycoon who goes to Greendale
To find companionship; though his view of the world is stale
He’s clumsy, confused, and at times can be a jerk
And as a result, with him his friends find hard to work
However, it’s established that he does mean well
When he surprisingly offers advice that proves to be helpful and swell
Throughout the series, the study group has experienced many a fight
But in the end, they manage to unite
At Greendale, they endure much confusion
Often caused by Dean Pelton, played by Jim Rash, who runs the institution
They also put up Ben Chang; their former teacher played by Ken Jeong
As the character’s state of mentality is not at all strong
After seeing them overcome many a challenge, I can honestly deem
This seven-member study group an AMAZING TEAM!!!
Upon closing my poem, I am forced to think
That a possible end to “Community” is on the brink
Realizing that come Mid-January, I will part
With this amazing show; that has plenty of humor and heart
My love for “Community” will never slack
When it leaves the airwaves, I will pray for it to come back
I will remember sitting on my couch every Thursday night
Watching the characters to my delight
I will be longing for all-new adventures come next year
And when and if the series returns, “For Greendale!” I will cheer
E-mail me at thatsnatertainment@gmx.com
Saturday, November 19, 2011
All in all, an alright show
Jason Segel was a TERRIFFIC host! He managed to make the best of every sketch that he was in. He was very funny and his performances were all very good.
The show's opening was great. Jason Sudeikis was great as Mitt Romney as always. The writing was very good and I love his endearingly-modest portrayal of the political figure.
The monologue was a lot of fun. It was great seeing Jason Segel perform a song with the Muppets. He interacts with them very well and the inclusion of Statler and Waldorf at the end was an unexpected twist. I just wish that they included the two elderly characters in more sketches; allowing them to make jokes at the show's writing.
The "Kissing Family" sketch was easily the worst segment of the night. Everytime the sketch is performed, it follows the same format. Jason Segel made the best of the situation; but all in all, it was just plain repetitive and over-the-top (in a bad way). In addition, while I was happy to see Paul Rudd appear, I wish that he was included in a more creative sketch. It seemed as if they only got him to reprise his character from the sketch and nothing more. Though I have to admit that I was happy to see both Segel and Rudd together on stage; as I loved their performances in "I Love You, Man." I just wish that Rudd and Segel were allowed to be featured together in a more creative and original sketch.
The "Kelly Ripa looks for a new co-host" sketch, while clearly a ripoff of a sketch from 2000, was good; on account of all the castmembers' great impressions. Most notably, I really liked Jason Sudeikis as Ricky Gervais as well as Jay Pharoah as Denzel Washington. Jason Segel was very funny as Antono Banderas; as he had the voice DOWN PACT. I wish we got to see more of Kristen Wiig as Kathy Lee Gifford; as I find her impression to be very funny. It was a good sketch; even though it was a rehash.
I was happy to see Weekend update take a more unique turn this week. I liked seeing John Huntsman appear and poke fun at himself. I always like seeing political figures appear on SNL; and as we get closer to the elction, we are sure to see more. In addition, I liked the "Really!!" segment featuring Kermit the Frog. Seeing Seth Meyers interact with the famous muppet was fun; and the bit went very well. As for Seth Meyers himself, he did his best; but his jokes weren't that great.
The "retirement party" sketch was, while original, was impacted by mediocre writing. However, both Kristen Wiig and Jason Segel gave great performances; which, in turn, made the sketch better.
The CD advertisement sketch, while relying on material that was not-so-great, featured good performances by all. Jason Segel once again gave a good performance; even though the ultimate visual joke was kind of ridiculous.
The quick Andre the Giant sketch, while very rushed and seemed to lack a genuine punchline, featured a great performance by Jason Segel.
As for the final sketch of the night, it actually wasn't bad at all. Fred Armisen and Jason Segel performed greatly and it was very nice seeing the cast have a good time dancing to the music. It was also nice seeing Paul Rudd and The Muppets included in the bit; thus adding to the endearing tone of the sketch. As a whole, the whole segment was very special; due to the fact that it was not only the final sketch of the night, but also the last sketch before the Thanksgiving break. And, in all honesty, it reminded me a little bit of the segment last week which featured Emma Stone and the cast coming together and singing along to Adele's "Someone Like You." Sketches like these prove to be very engaging and a nice way to bring everyone together through music. In other words, it was a very nice way of closing the show.
As for Florence + The Machine, they were great in their performances. I really like the first song they performed and I look forward to hearing their second song once again. The lead singer is very talented and I really like the band's sound.
And that's it. While this wasn't the best show of the season, I have to say it was decent. Jason segel is definitely up there with Baldwin and McCarthy as the three best hosts of the season. Even though the writing wasn't entirely great, Segel's performance as the host saved the show and the inclusion of the Muppets was a nice touch. Needless to say, I look forward to seeing him host again.
And that's my review. Thank you so much for following me tonight. I had a lot of fun live-blogging and I look forward to doing it again on December 3 when Steve Buscemi hosts and The Black Keys perform.
Thank you again and I look forward to posting my special writing by Monday night at some point. Thank you and good night!
E-mail me at thatsnatertainment@gmz.com
The Muppets
They've done sketches like this with Dana Carvey and Jim Carrey
The only REALLY BAD sketch tonight was the "Kissing Family" bit
Jason Segel has been a GREAT host tonight!!!
This episode started off decent
The performances are good
That was nice
I called Kermit on Update
They do this sketch whenever Paul Rudd hosts
The sketch is they keep kissing each other for extended lengths of time
This sketch really is a rehash
They did a similar monologue back in 2000
It's Getting to that Time
And please feel free to comment on any of my postings throughout the night. Just click on the "comment" link underneath any of my posts and submit your own thoughts. Your feedback is very important; as your opinions are more-than-welcome.
So be sure to have your televisions set to NBC by 11:30pm and have my blog up on your computer. It's going to be a lot of fun and it will all be LIVE!!! Stay tuned and I'll see you at 11:30pm!
E-mail me at thatsnatertainment@gmx.com
Friday, November 18, 2011
A "That's Nater-Tainment!" Special report: Jason Segel Hosts "Saturday Night Live" Tonight!
Image of Jason Segel and castmember Vanessa Bayer taken from http://www.google.com/imgres?um=1&hl=en&biw=1280&bih=592&tbm=isch&tbnid=3y1Ozp9Mm0qU5M:&imgrefurl=http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-feed/saturday-night-live-jason-segel-262537&docid=ga5nIsX8_SvfWM&imgurl=http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/sites/default/files/imagecache/thumbnail_570x321/2011/11/segel.jpg&w=565&h=318&ei=owzHTvvQJ-H00gH91JD9Dw&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=141&sig=105171626053390580017&page=1&tbnh=116&tbnw=158&start=0&ndsp=31&ved=1t:429,r:6,s:0&tx=108&ty=38
1) Seeing as Jason Segel is hosting to promote the November 23 release of The Muppets,” for which he has co-written and is also producing, I wouldn’t be surprised to see Kermit the Frog to make a surprise appearance; to possibly talk about the upcoming movie or possibly, and this would be a real treat for everyone, perform “Rainbow Connection,” the beloved opening song from “The Muppet Movie,” along with Jason Segel.


Thursday, November 17, 2011
A Notice About My Next Major Writing
Before then, however, I will be live-blogging this week's episode of "Saturday Night Live:" which will be hosted by Jason Segel and Florance + The Machine will serve as the musical guest. Before the show, I will be posting some predictions as to what could possibly take place during the evening.
So don't worry. There's plenty of Nater-Tainment in store! Trust me, you DO NOT WANT TO MISS ANYTHING!!!!!
e-mail me at thatsnatertainment@gmx.com
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Well that's the show
The opening debate sketch was the best part of the night and all the castmembers' performances were great; especially Bill Hader's.
The monologue was a complete ripoff of Kristen Dunst's monologue from 2002; but at least they achknoledged this fact. Andrew Garfield was given nothing to do and I was hoping that he and Emma Stone would have been featured together in a creative sketch. In addition, Andy Samberg was annoying throughout the whole segment.
Secret Word was alright; but it was bascially the same format as all the other installments. The performances were all good and I'm happy that Emma Stone got to play a character in a sketch. The writing, however, was weak.
Bill hader's reporter sketch basically followed the same format as always; but he did give a good performance. As did the rest of the players. But the writing was once again mediocre at best.
Weekend Update was alright; if nothing special. Jason Sudeikis' performance as The Devil was good as always. But Fred Armisen and Kristen Wiig, while giving good performances, basically rehashed their shtick from before. Chris Martin's addition to the sketch was a nice change of pace; but it was all the same as before.
Les Junes De Paris was played out again; and I guess it will now be repeated everytime Emma Stone hosts. I will say that she is a good dancer and I am happy that she now has a reoccurring character. The castmembers all did well with the dancing; but the sketch wasn't anything special.
The bridal shower sketch was original; but the writing was very poor. I'm very happy that Emma Stone got the opportunity to portray another character; and she did give a good performance. But the sketch didn't go anywhere at all.
I did like the sketch featuring the castmembers and Emma Stone getting teary eyed when listening to Adele's hit song "Someone Like You." All the performances were good and Coldplay's appearance was very creative and funny. I liked the sight of most of the cast and Emma Stone singing together; and the bit ended the right way.
The final sketch of the night was just plain stupid and juvenile. I do not find the idea of having electronic devices engaging in sexual activities funny; and the whole bit was just really bad.
Coldplay were AMAZING as expected and their songs are great. I'm glad they got to be involved with skits and they are just GREAT performers!
And now I must say that I am REALLY DISAPPOINTED with how the show played out. While I'm happy that Emma Stone got the opportunity to play some real characters this time and she also gave good performances; I am just saddened to see that the writers seemed not to care at all. I am happy that Emma Stone got to host again; but I'm disappointed that the show was not as terrific as I hoped it would be.
I can tell that Emma Stone is very appreciative with the skits she gets; and that is very admirable. She is very enthusiastic and I'm glad to see that she did her very best with the material she is given. Unfortunately, I really wish the writers would just step up to the plate and give her the TRULY AMAZING material she deserves.
I also want to say that I really liked the picture they created that featured Emma Stone dressed as Gilda Radner's famous reoccurring character Rosanne Rosannadanna. I have read numerous articles in which Emma Stone says that her idol is Gilda Radner. Creating that picture was a nice gesture and you can tell the cast and crew enjoys having Stone on the show. I just wish the writers would give her better material!!!!
I have to say, in all honesty, this episode is tied with Anna Faris's show as being the most disappointing of the season. However, I will say that Emma Stone is a WAY BETTER host than Anna Faris; so I would rank tonight's episode as being slightly better.
So that's all. Thank you for following me tonight and I look forward to posting my next big writing. I just hope that Jason Segel is given great material. Maybe his "Forgetting Sarah Marshall" co-star Bill Hader will encourage the writers to come up with top-notch sketches!
Thank you again and good night!
E-mail me at thatsnatertainment@gmx.com
The performances in this sketch are GREAT!!!!
This has been a very weak show
Wow! Just wow!
I like the addition of Chris Martin
What the heck is this
I'm glad they made reference to what I just mentioned
It's Getting to That Time
There is a football game on NBC right now; and if it does go into overtime and the news gets delayed, don't worry. Just be sure to have your televisions set to NBC by 11:30pm and your computers set to my blog as well. When the game and the following news broadcast are all over and "Saturday Night Live" begins, my coverage will start.
Please feel free to comment on all my posts; as your feedback is very important. I'm looking forward to tonight's episode and trust me, you are not going to want to miss ANYTHING!!!! So stay tuned and I'll see you when "Saturday Night Live" begins!
E-mail me at thatsnatertainment@gmx.com
Friday, November 11, 2011
A "That's Nater-Tainment!" Special Report: Emma Stone Hosts "Saturday Night Live" For The Second Time Tonight!
Now at the age of twenty-three, Emma Stone returns to the long-running sketch-comedy show for her second hosting stint; following her successful roles in both "Crazy, Stupid, Love" and "The Help" this past summer. And tonight, I am greatly hoping that the the writers of "Saturday Night Live" don't make the same mistake as before; thus allowing Stone to give a fully-unforgettable hosting performance.
And to further express my wish for this evening, I have come up with some ways to enable Emma Stone to have a very memorable episode. Thus, without further ado, I now present:
Sketch Predictions and Possibilities for Episode Six of "Saturday Night Live's" Thirty-Seventh Season: Emma Stone / Coldplay

Image OF Emma Stone, Coldplay, and "Saturday Night Live" castmember Bill Hader taken from taken from http://www.google.com/imgres?um=1&hl=en&sa=N&biw=1280&bih=592&tbm=isch&tbnid=PSMsLoKEhgMUiM:&imgrefurl=http://entertainmentalley.com/&docid=gfewujYOnaub6M&imgurl=http://entertainmentalley.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/EmmaStone-HostsSNL-Coldplay.jpg&w=600&h=447&ei=ZPS-Tu7VEcTY0QGlmtngBA&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=250&sig=105171626053390580017&page=9&tbnh=108&tbnw=178&start=175&ndsp=22&ved=1t:429,r:5,s:175&tx=95&ty=51
1) Since Emma Stone is going to be starring as Spider-Man’s love Interest Gwen Stacy in the upcoming reboot, due out July 3, 2012, I would like to see a sketch that spoofs the upcoming blockbuster. I could see a skit that features the actress appearing at a comic book convention; where she answers resolute fans’ questions about the movie. Or possibly, maybe Andrew Garfield, who is playing the titular hero, could make a surprise appearabce at some point during the telecast; allowing an opportunity for both performers to poke fun at the upcoming movie. Maybe they could appear in a sketch that sppofs the filming process for "The Amazing Spider-Man." Or better yet, perhaps both Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone appear on “Weekend Update” to share their opinions on ever –suffering Broadway musical “Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark" as to how the show can be properly retooled. In short terms, the writers of "Saturday Night Live" have a great opportunity on their hands tonight and I truly hope they can create a hilarious and memorable segment.
2) Bearing in mind that the next installment of the “Twilight” franchise opens on November 18, I would not be surprised to see a sketch lampooning the forthcoming film. I could see Emma Stone hilariously-impersonate Kristen Stewart in a possible sketch; as well as two of the male castmembers hilariously-imitating stars Robert Rattinson and Taylor Lautner. I could the spoof be done as either a sketch or as a commercial-parody; complete with an overly-enthusiastic announcer excessively-praising the film. In other words, I’m hoping the writers of “Saturday Night Live” use this episode as an opportunity to satirize the soon-to-be-blockbuster; as I know that Emma Stone and the cast can succeed in giving great performances.
3) Considering that the Digital Shorts of “Saturday Night Live” have the potential to be very hilarious and popular, so much so they often become viral hits on YouTube, I would not be shocked to see an elaborate pre-filmed musical piece starring Emma Stone and Andy Samberg. In addition, seeing as musical guests like Nicki Minaj and Paul McCartney have appeared in past digital shorts, I could see Coldplay's Chris Martin providing vocals at a specific part of the short. I’m sure the result would be very funny; especially if it’s as amazing catchy as previous “Digital Shorts” like 2005’s “Lazy Sunday” as well as last year’s hit “Jack Sparrow”- which featured a more-than-hilarious performance by Michael Bolton.
And lastly,
4) Since Emma Stone portrayed Lindsay Lohan during a parody of "The View" last time she hosted, I would not be surprised if she reprises the impression. If they do go this route, I could see Stone impersonate the actress holding a press conference that addresses her current situation; and many of the castmembers would portray anxious reporters looking for a good soundbite. Or, I could also see Stone portray Lindsay Lohan in a sketch that's spoofing either “Access Hollywood” or Entertainment Tonight." And, in all honesty, this sketch would be an exciting way to open the episode; as Emma Stone can have the oppurtunity to enthusiastically say the iconic phrase “Live From New York, It’s Saturday Night!” If they were to do an opening like this, I'm sure it would be very entertaining and memorable.

Image taken from
So there you go. These are possible ideas that would allow Emma Stone to utilize her great comedic talents and acting skills. The cast and crew of "Saturday Night Live" have plenty to work with tonight; and I hope they don't mess anything up at all. I'm sure that Emma Stone will do all she can to promise a great show. I just hope the writers don't let her down once more.
Thus, I’m truly looking forward to watching the episode and posting my opinions on all the sketches and performances as they happen. Please feel free to comment on any of my posts; as your feedback is very important. I’m excited about this week’s episode as I’m sure it will be a great one. Thus be sure to have your televisions turned to NBC at 11:30pm sharp and your computers set to my blog as well. It’s going to be a lot of fun and it’s all going to be LIVE!!! Stay tuned and I’ll see you at 11:30pm!!!
E-mail me at thatsnatertainment@gmx.com
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Reminder About Saturday Night
I am looking forward to seeing Emma Stone return to the late-night program; and I am hoping she gets better material than when she first hosted last year. I am excited to see Colplay perform on the show as well; and I am sure they'll perform up to three songs.
Before the show, I will be posting predictions for what could possibly take place throughout the broadcast. And then, I am going to be posting my opinions about every sketch, performance, and other matters that come to mind throughout the program.
And I want to hear from all of you during my live-blogging reporting. Feel free to submit your own comments underneath any of my postings. Your feedback is very important and I am eager to hear your thoughts.
So stay tuned for this Saturday. I'm really looking forward to posting my opinions as the show airs. It's going to be a lot of fun and it's all going to be LIVE!!!! See you Saturday!
E-mail me at thatsnatertainment@gmx.com
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
From the Mind of Nate: A Discussion about Conan O'Brien and the Overall Quality of His TBS Series


Image of Conan O'Brien as host of "Late Night" taken from http://www.google.com/imgres?um=1&hl=en&biw=1280&bih=592&tbm=isch&tbnid=IY8PkJ72ukELqM:&imgrefurl=http://weblogs.variety.com/on_the_air/conan_obrien/&docid=T0Hx7k9eFNjkKM&imgurl=http://weblogs.variety.com/.a/6a00d8341bfc7553ef011168914c66970c-800wi&w=800&h=532&ei=1Nm6Tp33CMXI2wWA4cGkBw&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=219&sig=105171626053390580017&page=1&tbnh=120&tbnw=159&start=0&ndsp=23&ved=1t:429,r:13,s:0&tx=103&ty=112And
And that was what made "Late Night with Conan O'Brien" so wonderful. Our talk-show host set up an environment in which everyone, including him and his guests, could have a good amount of fun. In addition, all the segments played out in a honest manner and no segment appeared staged at all. No matter how ridiculous a segment became, everyone was having a great time. In other words, Conan O'Brien made sure that every episode featured plenty of laughter and memories. And the result would always be the same: everyone was always cheering at the end of the show. O'Brien had clearly accomplished his goal of guaranteeing a great and memorable show.

Image of Conan O'Brien as host of "The Tonight Show" taken from http://www.google.com/imgres?um=1&hl=en&biw=1280&bih=592&tbm=isch&tbnid=tPx9QunbLigPTM:&imgrefurl=http://videogum.com/72101/the_tonight_show_with_conan_ob/tv/late-night/&docid=X0wJyPioRXDqXM&imgurl=http://videogum.com/img/thumbnails/photos/conan_tonight_show_desk.jpg&w=480&h=270&ei=Ktq6TsK_LKGA2AWsg8GpBw&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=266&sig=105171626053390580017&page=2&tbnh=112&tbnw=153&start=21&ndsp=21&ved=1t:429,r:1,s:21&tx=93&ty=29
And when he took over as host of "The Tonight Show" in summer 2009, Conan O' Brien tried his best to keep the audience happy no matter what. Unfortunately, since he was now on a hour earlier, our host knew that he had to aim his comedy to a slightly older audience; seeing as he had to now cater to audiences who tuned in to see Former Host Jay Leno every night. Andy Richter, who served as O'Brien's sidekick on "Late Night" from 1993-2000, returned to his old position; and he also became the show's announcer as well. While O'Brien still went out of his way to make the audience laugh, the ratings were unfortunately not in his favor. It seemed as if his brand of comedy was not a good match for those who were watching at home. Nevertheless, O'Brien always had a happy face on; and brought forward intriguing new segments; such as "Twitter Tracker" (which featured an over-excited narrator proclaiming comedically exaggerated celebrity tweets), a bit where Andy Richter would test out a fake product, and also offering fake public service announcements. Nevertheless, Conan O'Brien's anchoring of "The Tonight Show" was eventually put to an end by NBC; and on January 22, 2010, O'Brien hosted the show for the final time; closing with a powerful rendidtion of Lynyrd Skynyrd's classic rock song Bird" which featured guest musicians such as Billy Gibson and Beck as well as the talk-show host's old friend Will Ferrell; who performed vocals. Conan O'Brien was also featured in the performance; playing guitar with the all-star band as the show eventually faded out. However, even though NBC won the battle, Conan O'Brien did win the war; as during the summer of 2010, TBS announced that he would be hosting a brand new talk-show-- which would air Monday through Thursdays at 11:00pm. And on November 2, 2010, O'Brien was back on televisions and it seemed that everything was back to normal. Or was it so?
When O'Brien's new show, aptly named "Conan," premiered on TBS, I was of course happy to have him back on my television. His new studio looked great and Andy Richter once again served as the show's announcer and O'Brien's sidekick. And O'Brien would still be welcoming guest to appear on his show. The main difference was that Max Weinberg was no longer with the musical ensemble; which was now referred to as "The Basic Cable Band." Nevertheless, I was excited to have my favorite talk-show host back and hopefully delighting the masses.
However, it turned out that my excitement in having O'Brien back was blinding me from a dark truth. As the months flew by, I began to slowly take notice that the overall humor being supplied by O'Brien was completely different. While Conan O'Brien's previous comedy appeared more natural and genuine, the material that was being presented lacked the sincerity his previous two series embodied. For TBS series, O'Brien introduced an array of new segments that, while interesting at first, resulted in appearing completely staged in their execution. For instance, a comedy segment that is broadcast every Monday called "Fan Corrections" got on my nerves after a couple of months. For this bit, O'Brien would present footage of a fan pointing out an error that the red-headed talk-show host made at some point during a specific episode. After the footage is played, O'Brien pokes fun at the observer and goes on to claim that he was not in the wrong at all. He takes his argument further by presenting exaggerated pre-recorded material that depics supposed evidence that is meant to back-up his statement. While the concept of the routine was intriguing at first, I eventually grew more-than-tired of O'Brien's embellished attempts to prove himself right; and it got to the point where I no longer was excited about watching a new episode on a Monday night; seeing as this bit was going to be featured. Another reoccurring segment that becmae old was a bit entitled “Conan’s Video Blog;” in which the redheaded talk-show host tries to get younger viewers by doing a parody of YouTube videos featuring bored teenagers. Throughout the routine, O'Brien speaks in a monotone manner and attempts to complain about various topics. The sketch usually ends with Andy Richter barging into frame to make fun of O'Brien. Our host then proceeds to yell at him and the segment then ends in disarray. Originally funny at first, I now groan whenever O'Brien even mentions the comedy segment's name. Thus, its bits like these that prove to me that Conan O'Brien's TBS series is truly relying on more compulsory humor. But even that doesn't stock up against my biggest concern regarding O'Brien's new series.
While the forced humor is a major problem, my primary grip would be that Conan O'Brien is hardly giving an earnest performance at all as the show's host. When he hosted his previous two series, you could tell that he was doing his best job possible to make his show enjoyable. And even when his stay as host of "The Tonight Show" was facing the threat of cancellation, O'Brien still put his best foot forward and brought the laughter. However, when you observe him host his TBS series, you can tell that his delivery isn't at all genuine at all; it's almost as if he's giving no effort at all. His comic delivery is practicaly devoid of passion and his posture more-than-frequently appears stiff at certain points; particularly during the monologue and his comedy segments. Furthermore, he doesn't seem to contain the spark of unadulterated enthusiasm he once had when hosting his previous series. Moreover, he doesn't seem to mimic celebrities' voices and methods of walking during his monologue as much as he did when hosting both "Late Night" and "The Tonight Show." In fact, he seems to be rushing his opening speech by telling a joke and then quickly going into another one. This doesn't allow the audience enough time to fully enjoy the punchline. This is very disappointing; seeing as his opening monologue was always one of the most enjoyable portions of his earlier series.
What's more, Conan O'Brien seems to be rushing most of his guest interviews as well. I remember when he used to spend time discussing a single story as well as engage in more genuine comedic interplay for a good amount of time. with his guests; particularly his first one. Now what I see is that O'Bren tries to pack as many questions into his interviews as possible; thus not allowing a guest to spend alot of time on a subject the audience might want to hear more about. Fortunately, however, O'Brien continues the practice of giving his first guest additional time by giving them an extra segment. Nevertheless, while the guests get the opportunity to be funny, most of the interviews appear staged and not as intimate the interview segments are just not as impactful as those featured throughout O'Brien's two original series.
Henceforth, it just seems to me that Conan O'Brien is, for the most part, phoning in most of his performance as the host of his new series. I hardly see the honest keeness O'Brien once possessed when he emceed his previous programs on NBC. So much on the show appears staged; including his exchanges with sidekick Andy Richter, which now come off as simply being annoying and not at all genuine.It gets to the point where the celebrity guests are the only ones who can be counted on to not only be amusing but also put some life into the show. It should also be mentioned that the guests seem to be the primary reason I watch the program.
Although, in all honesty, there have been instances that have given me hope that maybe Conan O'Brien's TBS series will get better. Last week, O'Brien took his show to NBC, aka his old stomping ground, for a set of four special shows. All the shows were filmed at The Beacon Theater; which actually helped establish a very intimate atmosphere due to the luxurious design of the building. The stage was even closer to the audience than the set designated for his TBS series; thus further establishing the warm ambiance. And throughout the week, O'Brien displayed more vigor than he had in the past several months; thus giving his show newfound life. In addition, I feel that O'Brien even was able to make the most out of his celebrity guests for the week; especially when Jimmy Fallon, who O'Brien appointed to take the reigns of his old "Late Night" series before he briefly took over hosting "The Tonight Show," stopped by on October 31 for an exciting interview. The week of shows was successfully capped off when O'Brien officiated a same-sex marriage ceremony for a member of his staff. All the episodes were alot of fun and it was wonderful to see O'Brien bestow a completely hilarious and true performance.
So who knows? Maybe there is hope that Conan O'Brien's TBS series can successfully recapture the glory of "Late Night" as well as the fun that I feel also embodied his incarnation of "The Tonight Show." But no matter what, perhaps we need to give O'Brien some more time to successfully bring back the magic that embodied his original talk-show. After all, it took him significant time to gain the respect of people everywhere when "Late Night with Conan O'Brien" first pfirst premiered. So maybe he just needs more time to get his new show going. However, if O'Brien continues to give a less-than-genuine performance, I fear his time might officially run out.
E-mail me at thatsnatertainment@gmx.com
Saturday, November 5, 2011
All in all,a not-so-great show
For the show as a whole, I felt that things started off strong with a very good monolgoue; featuring a great cameo by Danny DeVito. Both Day and Devito were hilarious together; as they are on "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia". Bill Hader and Charlie Day performed well together during the Dr. Oz Sketch; despite the not-so-amazing material.
The Greek Gods sketch was very good and it was great to see almost the whole cxast act together. Great dialogue was shared between Jason Sudeikis and Day.
Kenen brought us a bad Cee-lo Green sketch that was slightly saved by Charlie Day dancing in a dinosaur costume.
Bill Hader and Kristen Wiig were both great on Update for their respective pieces. Hader did a great job poking fun at Rick Perry And Wiig further demonstarted her great comedic skills with her ability to speak rapidly in a hilarious manner. As for Seth Meyers, he tried, but the material just wasn't good.
The dolphin trainer sketch bombed; despite Day's attempt to save the sketch. Taran Killam did well also; but he had nothing to work with.
The final sketch of the night had bad writing; but the brilliant chemistry between Charlie Day and Jason Sudeikis made the segment memorable. I just wish the two performers had more opportunitites throughout the night to work together.
As for Maroon 5, nothing has to be said. Their performances were nothing special at all and Adam Levine just doesn't do it for me; on account of his mundane vocal performance. Coldplay is DEFINITELY going to be AMAZING next week.
And that's the show. Charlie Day and the cast did the best they could to save the sketches. The material just wasn't great at all; aside from the second sketch of the night (The Greek Gods)
And that's the show. I'm really looking forward to live-blogging next week's episode. I'm truly hoping that Emma Stone is provided with better material than when she first hosted last year. I'm excited to see her on the show again and I really hope the writers don't let her down.
Thank you so much for following me tonight. I had a great time covering the show and I look forward to doing it again next week.
Have a great night and my next writing shoule be up either Tuesday night or sometime Wednesday. I'm taking my time with it because I want it to be REALLY GOOD. Thanks again and good night!
E-mail me at thatsnatertainment@gmx.com
Pre-taped commercial from the Melissa McCarthy episode
This is what I've been waiting for tonight
Very not-so-stellar performance by Maroon 5
Kenan's not funny at all in this sketch
I am very much enjoying Kristen Wiig's segment
She is able to talk fast in a manner I am impressed with
This isn't a very funny commentary
In all honesty, aside from the monologue and part of the Greek Gods sketch....
They did a similar sketch like this when Zach Galifianakis episode
Charlie Day's dancing is the only real funny thing about this sketch
I am Very Excited for Emma Stone hosting next week
Charlie Day is good in this sketch
This is exactly what I hoped for the show
It's Almost That Time
E-mail me at thatsnatertainment@gmx.com
A That's Nater-Tainment!" Special Report: Charlie Day Hosts "Saturday Night Live" Tonight!

Image of Charlie Day and Jason Sudeikis taken from http://www.google.com/imgres?um=1&hl=en&sa=N&biw=1280&bih=592&tbm=isch&tbnid=KjsxAvrxvtdeHM:&imgrefurl=http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/11/02/snl-charlie-day_n_1071602.html&docid=1rtKs_HeeegVPM&imgurl=http://i.huffpost.com/gen/392717/thumbs/s-SNL-CHARLIE-DAY-large.jpg&w=260&h=190&ei=9KS1TvLLO4e62wWHzc3MDQ&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=742&vpy=255&dur=484&hovh=152&hovw=208&tx=135&ty=82&sig=105171626053390580017&page=1&tbnh=120&tbnw=181&start=0&ndsp=18&ved=1t:429,r:15,s:0

