Saturday, December 14, 2013

Well, That's the Show!

Thank you all for following me tonight. This episode of “Saturday night Live” was just REALLY BAD!!! A lot of badly written sketches. John Goodman was given very bad material. The writers REALLY phoned it in tonight. As I said before, I guess they are saving their best sketeches for next week when Jimmy Fallon hosts.

Well, thank you all for following my blog tonight. My review will be up in a couple days. Thank you all once again and stay tuned for more Nater-Tainment! Good night everybody!

Well, the show is practically over.

This episode was a total waste of John Goodman. Such a bunch a badly-written sketches tonight. This show was just plain BAD!!

This sketch isn't terrible

But it's basically a rehash of previous installments. And the writing isn't great as well.

Kenan Thompsons has been on the show WAY TOO MUCH tonight!!!

I don't like how they made him the new leading man of the show. I've said this a lot already this season.

Kate McKinnon gives a good performance as this character

Though this sketch basically follows the same pattern each time. She and John Goodman are interracting well together though.

And now they are bringing back Kate McKinnon's floozy character

This sketch was done twice this past season. These sketches basically follow the same format every time.

We are BACK!

Commercials are on now

This short is dragging on WAY TOO LONG

The writing isn't good at all. That seemes to be a theme of tonight's show: VERY BADLY WRITTEN SKETCHES!!!

A short filmed piece.

Jay Pharoah doing a hip hop performance in a Christmas sale sketch. He's giving a decent performance but there's really nothing to this sketch at all.

This is a REALLY bad sketch

The whistle just keeps blowing. What a funny idea for a sketch....NOT!!!

We are BACK!!

The joke of this sketch is that the whistle just keeps blowing whenever Goodman's character talks. This joke is just not good. What a weak premise for a sketch.

Commercials are on now

This song by Kings of Leon isn't terrible

Though I enjoyed their previous appearances on SNL much more.

Kings of Leon are on now

Aside from a couple lines in the pagent sketch, I haven't found anything in this show to be humorous AT ALL!! This show has been a waste of John Goodman. Just REALLY lazy writing tonight. The writers should be ashamed of themselves for coming up with such poor material.

Kings of Leon's second performance is coming up

This commercial spoof of Hallmark Christmas specials isn't bad

Commercials are on now.

This show has had a lot of bad writing tonight

The writers aren't rally trying tonight. This sketch is just plain bad. John Goodman is interracting well with the cast. Though the writing is just plain BAD tonight!

Oh look. They are bringing back Nasim Pedrad's over-excited student from the Edward Norton show

This sketch is basically just a rewrite of the previous sketch. They are just making the sketch about Pedrad's character wanting to get toys from Santa Claus by going into the cminey. Other than that, this sketch is just a basic rewrite.

We are BACK!!!

Next sketch is coming up

Commercials are on now

Kenan Thompson has practically been in everything tonight except the Three Wise men sketch

The show is using him WAY TOO MUCH!!!! Jihn Goodman just looks a fool in this sketch as his character is slow-dancing to music. The joke about the judge being in love with Goodman's character WASN'T FUNNY AT ALL!!! Just a REALLY bad show so far.

This sketch isn't funny

The writing isn't good at all! They aren't giving John Goodman anything to work with that's good at all.

A courtroom sketch

The basic joke is that John Goodman is in drag and that everyone thinks he's hot. This is just a case of REALLY bad writing. The writers must be saving all their good stuff for when Jimmy Fallon hosts next week.

We are BACK!!

Next sketch is coming up

Commercials are on now

Just a REALLY weak edition of "Weekend Update"

Hardly anything funny AT ALL!!! Just bad writing tonight.

The writing isn't good at all

Though I liked Bobby Moynihan's character referring to Seth Meyers' leaving SNL.

I'm GREATLY worries about how "Weekend Update" will be once Seth Meyers leaves

Cecily Strong delivering jokes by herself and "interviewing" Update characters. And John Goodman as "Drunker Uncle". This is just plain dumb.

These segments just keep going way too long

The writing isn't funny at AT ALL and Bobby Moynihan's performance as this character is just plain grating.

And now... Bobby Moynihan as "Drunk Uncle"

This character has REALLY run its course. It's basically the same schtick everytime.

I'm worried as to how Cecily String will be able to handle "Weekend update" solo once Seth Meyers leaves

She hasn't mame laugh on "Update" for a while. She seems to just be reading the jokes and not offering anything humorous.

Not a very funny edition of "Weekend Update" so far

Just a lot of bad jokes so far.

I'm sorry. But this segment isn't funny at all

This segment hasn't made me laugh once.

Kenan Thompson as Santa Claus

This segment isn't very funny so far. Kenan Thompson hasn't had a very good night so far.

Seth Meyers' and Cecily Strong's jokes aren't very funny so far

The writing isn't great at all so far

"Weekend Update" is on now

Commercials are on now

"Weekend Update" is coming up next. This show isn't very great so far.

That wasn't a bad performance

The music in this song isn't bad

But like I said, they have other songs that I like more than this one.

This song isn't bad

But they have songs that are better than this one. It's not a bad performance though/

I like this band's music.

They have some songs I like listening to.

We are back with Kings of Leon

Kings of Leon's first performance is coming up

Commercials are on now

The writing isn't that great in this sketch

Just a lot of New Jersey jokes as well as some sex jokes. They are basically utilizing New Jersey stereotype jokes in this sketch. I think the writers are just phoning in this sketch and just basically just relying on the fact that DeNiro and Stallone are in the building. This sketch could have been written much better and it could have had funnier jokes.

A skech about the three lesser men of the

Robert DeNiro and Sylvester Stallone!!!! Wow! They must be there to promote their new movie "Grudge Match". This is interesting

We are BACK!!!

Next sketch is coming up

Next week's show sounds good

Commercials are on now

This part isn'yt bad

Kenan Thompson's last line in the sketch wasn't funny AT ALL!!!

The inappropriate sexual language portions of this sketch weren't very funny

John Goodman's inner-monologue is pretty humorous

I'm actually getting some laughs from this. The dancers realizing that the performance they are doing is stupid. I liked Goodman's line about how he paid a man a lot of money to record this performance.

A holiday pagent sketch

John Goodman dressed as a giant snowflake? Alright.

We are BACK!!!!

Next sketch is coming up

Commercials are on right now

I'm not really impressed with the show so far to be honest.

This is pretty terrible so far.

I haven't laughed at all so far. This is just plain stupid. A bunch of mumbling Christmas songs and bleeped language. Just a bad commercial spoof.

Bobby Moynihan as Guy Fieri

I've never been crazy of this impression of his. This isn't very funny so far. Just a bunch of bad jokes about bad food.

He actually did a couple musical monologues when he hosted some times ago

This song so far is kind of ridiculous. John Goodman basically singing how he wants "booty" for Christmas. I was expecting a better monologue for John Goodman than a song like this. This was ridiculous.

I'm glad to see him address the break he took from hosting SNL

Interesting to see a musical monologue forr Goodman.

Welcome back to SNL, John Goodman.

Hopefully he gets good sketches tonight

This is John Goodman's THIRTEENTH time hosting

and Kings of Leon's third time as musical guest

Nice to see Kate McKinnon as German Chancellor Angela Merkel again

There hardly was anything special to this monologue at all. Not a lot of genuinely funny material. Hopefully the rest of the show is better.

They did a monologue similar to this nature November of 2012

When two different sign language interpreters were transalating Fred Armisen as Mayor Bloomberg's address concerning the huricane from last year.

This opening isn't veru funny so far

Kenan Thompson playing President Obama's sign language interoerator

Jay Pharoah as President Barack Obama

O had a feeling they would address Nelson Mandela's funeral.

And We Are Live...NOW!!!!!

Thank you all for tuning into my live-blogging coverage tonight.

My "Saturday Night Live" Blogging Coverage will Begin in Just Under Fifteen Minutes!

Stay tuned!!

It's Getting to That Time!

At 11:30pm, my live-blogging coverage of “Saturday Night Live” will begin. I will be commenting on this week's episode; featuring Guest Host John Goodman and Musical Guest Kings of Leon.

Be sure to have your televisions set to NBC and have my blog on your computers. Keep refreshing your computer screens so you can see my latest comments. Feel free to share your own thoughts by clicking the “comment” link underneath any of my posts. Your feedback means a lot and I look forward to seeing your opinions,

I thank you all for following my blog. Stay tuned and I'll see you at showtime!

"Saturday Night Live" Review: Paul Rudd Hosts on December 7, 2013

Cold Opening- "The Sound of Music"

This wasn't a bad opening. I'm glad to see “Saturday Night Live” take on the live performance of “The Sound of Music” that NBC aired on December 4th. “Saturday Night Live” Castmember Kate McKinnon did well portraying Carrie Underwood's performance as the musical's main character 'Maria von Trapp.” I was surprised to see “Saturday Night Live” Castmember Kristen Wiig return to portray her well-known reoccurring character “Dooneese”- the baby-handed and unusual dancer from the well-known sketch-spoofs of “The Lawrence Welk Show.” Kristen Wiig's reoccurring characterw as meant to be a member of the Von Trapp Family's children; and her performance throughout the sketch made me laugh. I loved seeing Kristen Wiig amongst the “Saturday Night Live” castmembers once again and I got a kick out of her character lip-synching to the musical's popular song “Climb Every Mountain” only to go back to her goofy singing at the drop of a hat. Fellow Former “Saturday Night Live” Castmember Fred Armisen made a surprise appearance as well-- portraying Lawrence Welk at the conclusion of the performance. I loved seeing Kristen Wiig and Fred Armisen on the show together and this whole opening was fun.

Monologue- Paul Rudd.

This...was...GREAT!!!! First of all, I was happy to see Paul Rudd acknowledge the fact that he's been over0shadowed by his musical guests for each of his first two times hosting the sketch comedy program. And I loved to see his happiness when declaring that evening's episode as “The Paul Rudd Show” only to be slightly disappointed when seeing Musical Guest One Direction behind him soaking up the cheers of the audience members. Then, Paul Rudd, in order to steal the thunder away from One Direction, brought on his “Man Band”-- Will Ferrell, Steve Carell, and David Koechner. It was wonderful to see all four stars of “Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues” on stage together and I laughed when hearing their comedic quips aimed at One Direction. The best being Will Ferrell's “Just beat it, Menudo!.” The monologue got even better when the cast of “Anchorman” engage in a performance of “Afternoon Delight”-- with One Direction offering supporting vocals. The whole monologue was wonderful and I'm glad the show's musical guest didn't hog too much of the spotlight. Just an enjoyable monologue.

Sketch- "Politics Nation with Al Sharpton"

This was a rather forgettable sketch. I've grown tired of Kenan Thompson's impression of Rev. Al Sharpton; which, in all honesty, isn't really anything special. There really wasn't anything that stood out at all in this sketch, and Paud Rudd was practically wasted here with a very bland role as Huffington Post contributor Peter Douchet. In all honesty, there isn't even important to say about this sketch; seeing as nothing really happened; as Thompson's portrayal of Rev. Al Sharpton mainly discussed the Obamacare website with Rudd's Peter Douchet in a uneventful discussion. What's more, this sketch was just too short. This sketch was just rather undeveloped and Paul Rudd wasn't really given anything to do here.

Filmed Piece- "Dan Charles:  One Direction's #1 Fan" 

Now, THIS was an enjoyable filmed piece. Paul Rudd played “Dan Charles”, a married man with a family, who was as equally just as thrilled as all the young girls outside online waiting for One Direction to appear after a concert. I loved seeing Rudd's character interacting with all the little girls in attendance and basically making fun of them over the fact that he knows more about the boy band than all of the young fans. Highlights of the piece included Rudd's character receiving a call from his wife who had just given birth and telling her over the phone that they should name their new son “Niall” after One Direction bandmember Niall Horan (just because he was being playful following the birth). I also got a huge laugh when watching Paul Rudd's “Dan Charles” pushing his way through all the young girls in order to get One Direction's attention and have them sign something for him. The whole short filmed piece was very funny and the segment demonstrated just how good of a sport Paul Rudd can be. Just a fun short filmed piece.

Sketch- Divorce Meeting

This wasn't a bad sketch. Though it feels like it could be funnier. Paul Rudd and “Saturday Night Live” Castmember Vanessa Bayer play a couple who were meeting with their lawyers in order to settle the terms of their divorce. As the group of worked out their negotiations at a restaurant, Paul Rudd's and Vanessa Bayer's characters would keep getting up and dancing together whenever hearing Fleetwood Mac's “I Don't Want to Know”; which seemed to be going off every couple minutes. The sketch was pretty much had a one-joke premise, but the performances of Paul Rudd and Vanessa Bayer made this worth watching. The joke that even though they strongly claimed that they wanted a divorce, Rudd's and Bayer's characters still enjoyed dancing to the same song felt a little too obious to be completely humorous. The revelation at the end that the song was actually the ring tone of one of the lawyers, played by Kenan Thompson, wasn't much of a humorous punch line at all. In short terms, this sketch wasn't bad but I feel that more could have been done to make it funnier.

"Weekend Update"

There wasn't very much to say about this edition of “Weekend Update.” None of Seth Meyers' and Cecily Strong’s' jokes were particularly funny. In addition, I wasn't too thrilled to see the return of Vanessa Bayer's “Jacob the Bar Mitzvah Boy”; as the main point of the reoccurring segment is that the character basically roasts the members of his family when delivering a speech about a specific Jewish holiday. Bayer's schtick as “Jacob” has officially gotten old and the whole segment just dragged on and on. Furthermore, I was VERY surprised to see Taran Killam bring back his 18th century speech critic character “Jebidiah Atkinson” back after only a few weeks. But, in all honesty, I still got laughs from Killam's performance of; particularly from each ever-increasingly furious time he said “Next” whenever going frome one review to the next. I also like how the writers kept the segment fresh by having Killam's character harshly review well-known Christmas television specials; even though the writing wasn't great at all. Though I did like how Killam's character acknowledged the fact that he's been on the show three weeks ago and I laughed when he commented “Run things into the ground, much?” to Seth Meyers; basically referencing “Saturday Night Live”'s habit of bringing back characters way too much. I've really been enjoying Taran Killam's performances on the show; as he's been able to improve poorly-written sketches just through his comedic timing and humorous delivery. I'm glad that he's being used more often in sketches and I look forward to seeing him more in sketches this season. Aside from Taran Killam's humrous performance, this was a rather lackluster edition of “Weekend Update.”

Sketch- Micheangelo Unveils His David

This was another one-note sketch. Only this time, the material, was just plain too juvenile for my taste. Taran Killam played the famous sculptor whose model for his well known statue was very humiliated when seeing the tiny size of the statue's penis. Paul Rudd starred as the male model for the statue and he did alright with the weak material he was given. In fact, the performances in this sketch weren't bad. It was just the writing that wasn't up to par. I wasn't crazy about the “jokes” about the size of the statue's genitalia and the whole sketch just seemed to be a bit rushed as well.

Film Trailer- "White Christmas"

First let me just say that the writing wasn't great for this film ad spoof. That being said, the format was decent parody of the types of trailers for Tyler Perry's films. I will say that Paul Rudd did a good job spoofing the voice Tyler Perry uses when playing his character “Medea”. As for the rest of this piece, I don't have much to say at all. The ending of it wasn't great and it felt like the whole thing was relying on one joke. All in all, not much to say about this piece as well.

Sketch- The North Pole

Like the divorce meeting sketch, I feel like more could have been done with this. Paul Rudd played a slimmed-down Santa Claus who began to increasingly anger his elves when going over new guidelines as to how business would now be done at the North Pole. Paul Rudd did a fine job playing the very trimmed-down Sana Claus and I liked all of the castmembers' performances as the elves. Featured Players Kyle Mooney, Noel Wells, and John Milhiser did well and I liked their character's reactions to most of Rudd's Santa's new rules. Though I did not like the bit about the realization that Rudd's Santa was now grinding up his reindeer into beef jerky. I did get a slight laugh, however, out of seeing Rudd's Santa talk while using an exercise machine at one point. Other than all this, there really wasn't a lot of funny material in this sketch. All in all, not a terrible sketch but I feel this could have been funnier.

Sketch- Memories of Past Lovers

Well, this wasn't a bad sketch. Cecily Strong played a lonely woman reminiscing about past lovers in her apartment. Strong's character was approached by some past lovers who she shared intimate moments with while Paul Rudd played a sloppy restaurant worker who desperately tried to get her to remember their sex encounter. Cecily Strong did alright with her part but I got quite a few laughs out of Paul Rudd's performance; as his on-screen persona desperately tried to get her attention amidst all her past lovers. I loved Rudd's cheery delivery when saying “What about me?” when first appearing in the sketch as well as his crawling away after giving her some food before he left. I was happy to see Paul Rudd being given many primary roles in sketches this time and he did very well with all his given roles; even though much of the writing wasn't great for this show. All in all, this wasn't a bad sketch and at least it was a creative idea.

Sketch- Tales of Bill Brasky

Wow!!! I was VERY HAPPY to see this sketch sgain. In case you didn't know, these sketches were first done when Will Ferrell and David Koechner were castmembers of “Saturday Night Live” back during Season 21; which was between the years of 1995-1996. the format of these sketches were that four extremely drunk businessmen, played by Ferrell, Koechner, Former Castmember Mark McKinney, and either Guest Host Alec Baldwin or John Goodman, would tell increasingly-bizarre stories about a very strange and foul salesman named Bill Brasky while guzzling bear at a bar or some other location. I was very happy to see that Ferrell and Koechner haven't lost their touch when playing these characters and Paul Rudd did a fine job as well playing another drunk businessman. What's more, Taran Killam did a VERY good job fitting into the sketch and he had the voice and actions down pact. I enjoyed seeing him act in the same manner as Ferrell, Koechner, and Rudd and he had great comedic chemistry with them. I will say that some of the stories got a little too over-the-top; but that is besides the point. I was just so happy to see a classic sketch from the Will Ferrell era of “Saturday Night Live” brought back and I loved the performances. Even Kenan Thompson got me a laugh with his appearance towards the end of the sketch with his comment that Bill Brasky taught him the “true meaning of Kwanzaa.” The performances were great I did get laughs. Overall, a very good way to close the show.

Image of (from left to right) of Taran Killam, Kenan Thompson, Will Ferrell, and David Koechner as the five "Bill Brasky" businessmen taken from

And, that's the show. All in all, we got a few memorable sketches (the monologue, “Dan Charles: One Direction's #1 Fan”, and “Tales of Bill Brasky”) as well as a bunch of sketches that could have been much funnier than they were-- practically everything else. Stand-out performances from the cast were mainly supplied by Taran Killam; who stole the show on “Weekend Update” with his performance as “Jebidiah Atkinson” as well as his performance in the Bill Brasky sketch. I was very happy with the job Paul Rudd did as the show's host and his performances in the weaker sketches made them slightly better. I am sisappointed that Paul Rudd, Will Ferrell, Steve Carell, and David Koechner didn't play their characters from the “Anchorman” films; as it would have been great to see “Ron Burgundy and The Channel Four Newsteam” in a sketch or even “Weekend Update.” Come on. You all know that would have been great and memorable for all in attendance. But, oh well. They were great in everything they were in.

And, that's the show.

Tonight, John Goodman will be returning to host “Saturday Night Live” for his thirteenth time. Joining him as the eving's musical guest will be Kings of Leon; who will be performing on the show for their third time.  I'm looking forward to seeing Goodman host tonight. He has always done well when hosting the show. He has been on the show twelve times before; with his most recent emceeing stint done back on November 3rd, 2001. Before then, he has hosted ELEVEN seasons in a row. From Season 15 (on December 2nd, 1989) to Season 25 (on Nay 6th, 2000), Goodman had been a reliable host. There was even a time when he kept making frequent guest appearances on the show; particularly between Seasons 24 and 25. He did very well interracting with the “Saturday Night Live” castmembers and I'm curious to see what how he works with this season's players. I just hope the writing is decent tonight.

John Goodman SNL Promo - H 2013

Image of "Saturday Night Live" Castmember Taran Killam and Guest Host John Goodman taken from

But, no matter what, I will be live-blogging tonight's show. Beginning at 11:30pm, I will be commenting on the sketches, the writing, the performances, and anything else that comes to mind. I will also determine just how well John Goodman is doing in acting alongside the castmembers.

So be sure to have your televisions set to NBC by 11:30pm and have my blog on your computers. Be sure to keep refreshing your computer screens so you can see my latest posts during the show. Feel free to share your own opinions by clicking the “comment” link underneath any of my posts, Your feedback means a lot and I look forward to seeing your opinions.

I thank you for following my blog and I appreciate your support. Stay tuned and I'll see you at 11:30pm!

Friday, December 13, 2013

A Notice About This Weekend

Tomorrow night, I will be live-blogging this week's episode of “Saturday Night Live”; featuring Guest Host John Goodman and Musical Guest Kings of Leon. Beginning at 11:30pm, I will be commenting on the sketches, the writing, the performances and anything else that comes to mind during the show.

Also prior to the show, I will be posting my review of this past weekend's episode; which featured Guest Host Paul Rudd and Musical Guest One Direction. I apologize for the delay. I've had a busy week and I haven't has a lot of time to work on my critique. Furthermore, I will be posting some quick thoughts about John Goodman hosting the show this week as well.

So be sure Be sure to have your televisions set to NBC by 11:30pm and have my blog on your computers. Keep refreshing your computer screens so you can see my latest comments. Feel free to share your own thoughts by clicking the “comment” link underneath any of my posts. Your feedback means a lot and I look forward to seeing your opinions,

I thank you all for following my blog. Stay tuned and I'll see you tomorrow!

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Well, That's the Show!!

Thank you all for following me tonight. Paul Rudd was a good host and we got some good sketches and some bad ones. At least we got to see some funny stuff tonight.

Thank you all for following my blog tonight. Expect my review up some time this week. Thank you all once again and stay tuned for more Nater-Tainment! Good Night Everybody!!

Well, that's pretty much the whole show.

All in all, a pretty mixed bag of a show. I'm glad that the cast of "Anchroman" got to be on; though I wished they appeared in more sketches that just two. Oh well.

That was GREAT!!

TI loved seeing Ferrell and Koechner play those characters again. All the performances were great. Very Good closing sketch

I'm happy to see this sketch again

Bill Brasky Guys!!!

I love these reoccurring characters!!! Ferrell and Koechner used to do these guys when they were on SNL together during Season 21. This is a a nostalgia sketch

We are back with possibly the last sketch

commercials are on now

This song isn't memorable at all

This band's two performances haven't been very good. Bring on the last sketch already!!! I REALLY want to laugh out loud before the show ends!!

I'm guessing we'll get one more small sketch after this performance from One Direction

I haven't been that impressed with this band AT ALL!!! These guys just don't do it for me.

I REALLY wish Will ferrell, David Koechner, and Steve Carell got to do more tonight

They and Paul Rudd didn't even get to play their characters from "Anchorman" so far. That has been a disappointment. I wish they got more to do. Maybe they'll be in one more small sketch before the show ends. I'm remaining optimistic.

This isn't a bad sketch.

All the performances are good here. I'm glad the new castmembers are getting to do something here.

Oh. One Direction isn't on now

At least they are doing another sketch

One Direction is coming up next

Commercials are on now

Only twenty minues left in the show now.

I'm glad that Paul Rudd is getting a major role in a sketch

The writing isn't terrible here. Though that ending was a bit abrupt. And I didn't find the joke of Santa cooking his reindeer very funny.

Paul Rudd is doing well here as the new slimmed-down Santa

All the performances are pretty good. The writing isn't terrible here. At least this is an original sketch

A sketch about Christmas elves. This could be good

Next sketch is coming up

I made a mistake. There is more than twenty-two minutes left.

Commercials are on now

I REALLY hope the show gets better in these last twenty-two minutes or so.

The writing has really become pretty bad right now

The show is taking a nosedive here with the previous sketch and this film parody. Paul Rudd did what he could with the material here. But, in all honesty, you can tell the writers aren't even trying now. The show started off very good. Now, the writing is just plain bad.

The performances in this sketch aren't bad

But the writing is just plain too juvenile for my taste.

This sketch isn't great

The whole joke of this sketch is making fun of the Paul Rudd's character's penis. The writing isn't great here at all.

We are BACK!!!

Next sketch is coming up

Commercials are on now

I'm still very disappointed that we didn't get the cast of "Anchorman" on Update

I'm hoping they will appear at least one more time during the show.

Taran Killam is making me laugh with his performance

He does a good job staying in character throughout the segment.

The writing isn't great

But I'm getting some laughs out of Taran Killam's performance.

They are bringing back this character ALREADY!!

I like that Taran Killam's character acknowledged the show's habit of running things into the ground quick;y. He manages to make the material better with his performance.

This is a very dull edition of "Weekend Update"

Nothing funny at all so far. Not even one funny joke.

I'm guessing now that cecily Strong will be anchoring "Weekend Update" solo once Seth Meyers leaves

Wow. I'm a little worried about that. Cecily Strong isn't that great as a "Weekend Update" anchor. I'm hoping that another castmember joins her as her new co-anchor.

This segment is not special at all

I wish the cast of "Anchorman" would be playing their characters during this segment.

This edition of "Weekend Update" hasn't been very funny or memorable so far

And now Vanessa Bayer's Bar Mitzvah Boy character

This segment basically plays out the same way each time it occurrs. Vanessa Bayer needs to do something different with this character. Her schtick has gotten VERY OLD!!!

These jokes aren't funny at all tonight so far

Hopefully things get better.

"Weekend Update" is on now

Well, that's over

"Weekend Update" will be coming up after the commercial break.

This performance isn't anything special at all.

I'm looking forward to hopefully seeing more from the cast of "Anchorman". I'm sorry, but to me, this performance is just downright unmemorable!

I'm Not a Really Big Fan of One Direction.

Their music isn't really anything special. They haven't impressed me at all whenever I watch them perform on television or on the radio.

We are Back with One Direction's first performance

One Direction's first performance is coming up

Commercials are on now

Ha. Ha. Ha. That wasn't a very funny punchline.

Paul Rudd and Vanessa Bayer gave good performances though

I'm not sure if the song is by One Direction or not

The writing isn't anything special. But the performances are good, I'm just glad that Paul Rudd is getting real roles on tonight's show.

Good to see Paul Rudd star in another sketch

I'm guessing that's a song by One Direction? I'm not sure. But Paul Rudd and Vanessa Bayer are interracting well together.

We are BACK!!!!

Next sketch is coming up

I'm looking forward to seeing John Goodman host next week. First time hosting since 2001!!

Commercials are on now.

The show rebounds with this sketch

Paul Rudd pushing his way through the legions of little girls was hilarious!! That was funny.

A pre=recorded fhort film dedicated to fans of One Direction

Paul Rudd is GREAT in this sketch! I'm glad he's getting something funny to do here.

This wasn't a great sketch at all.

The writing in this sketch isn't that great

And Paul Rudd isn't getting very funny material. The show was doing very good up to this point. Hopefully the next sketches are better.

"Politics Nation" sketch with Kenan Thompson as Rev. Al Sharpton

I'm getting a little tired of this reoccurring sketch

We are BACK!!!!!

Next sketch is coming up!!!

Commercials are on Now!!

I LOVE THIS!!!!!!!!

This is AWESOME!!!

This is so AWSOME!!!

"ASfternoon Delight"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is GREAT!!!!!

THE CAST OF "Anchorman!!!!!!!!!!!!

YES!!!!!!! This is GREAT!!!!!!!!!!

He's a very talented actor

I like that he's s admitting the fact that he's always overshadowed by the musical guest. He's a very good sport.

Paul Rudd's Third Hosting Stint Starts Now!!

I'm looking forward to seeing Paul Rudd host tonight

This is Very Funny!

Fred Armisen now!!! Two canmeos in this opening. I have a good feeling about tonight's show!!

This is a good opening.

I'm enjoying this very much

The performances in this sketch are al,l very good.

Kate McKinnon does a good job impersonating Carrie Underwood

I'm happy to see Kristen Wiig. Her appearance is very unexpected.

Kristen Wiig's Character from "The Lawrence Welk Show"!!!

Wasn't expecting her to appear at all!!

An opening spoofing NBC'S "Sound of Music" Show

This has potential to be good.

And We Are Live....NOW!!!!!!!

11:30pm is the Time I Begin to Blog!!!!

My live-blogging of "Saturday Night Live" starts in a little over TEN MINUTES!!!

Stay Tuned!!!

It's Almost That Time!

At 11:30pm, my live-blogging coverage of “Saturday Night Live” will begin. I will be commenting on this week's episode; featuring Guest Host Paul Rudd and Musical Guest One Direction

Be sure to have your televisions set to NBC and have my blog on your computers. Keep refreshing your computer screens so you can see my latest comments. Feel free to share your own thoughts by clicking the “comment” link underneath any of my posts. Your feedback means a lot and I look forward to seeing your opinions,

I thank you all for following my blog. Stay tuned and I'll see you at showtime!

A "That's Nater-Tainment!" Special Report: Paul Rudd Hosts "Saturday Night Live" For His Third Time Tonight!!

Tonight, “Saturday Night Live” returns from the holiday break with an all-new episode. Hosting tonight is Paul Rudd; who will be emceeing the program for his third time. Joining Rudd will be band One Direction; who will be performing on the show for their second time as musical guest.

I have been enjoying Paul Rudd's acting for a good amount of years ow. He's always been a great part of a comedic ensemble; always possessing great chemistry with his co-stars in comedies; most particularly in the 2004 hit PG-13 comedy “Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy”, This particular comedy, which starred Will Ferrell as the titular lead character- a well-dressed, egotistical news anchor has a hard time adjusting to changes on society. In the film, Paul Rudd played “Brian Fantana”-- an equally-narcissistic field reporter who considers himself a Lothario and possessed a large library of exotic colognes. Will Ferrell's “Ron Burgundy” and Paul Rudd's “Brian Fantana” were members of The Channel 4 News Team; which also included the very chauvinistic and wild sports reporter “Champ Kind”, played by David Koechner, as well as “Brick Tamland”, played by Steve Carell, a good-natured weatherman with an extremely low I.Q. Ferrell, Koechner, Carell, and Rudd were perhaps one of the best comedic ensembles in recent years; as all four possessed great chemistry and their interactions and performances were vastly essential in maing the movie a completely memorable comedy.

Since the 2004 comedy, Paul Rudd has appeared in a good number of films and has proven to be a talented lead actor. He's starred in comedies like 2009's “I Love You, Man” as well as even some dramas; like 2010's “How Do You Know”; where he played “George Madison"; a businessman who becomes the subject of a criminal investigation at his father's company. Rudd's on-screen persona falls in love with a woman named “Lisa Jorgenson”, played by Reese Witherspoon, who is actually in a relationship with a cocky baseball pitcher named “Matty Reynolds”; played by Owen Wilson. Eventually, Paul Rudd's “George Madison” learns that his father, played by Jack Nicholson, was responsible for the illegal activities that he's being indicted for, “How Do You Know” was a well-performed and well-written romantic drama and Paul Rudd's endearing performance guarenteed his character to be completely genuine.

But whether it be a comedy or drama, Paul Rudd has proven to be a talented actor. And tonight, Paul Rudd takes the stage at NBC's “Saturday Night Live” for his third time. I am TRULY hoping that he gets good sketches; as the writing hasn't always been great for him when he hosts. I remember during his previous two hosting stints, the musical guests ended up getting far more attention than him. I remember when he first hosted on November 8th, 2008, Beyonce, the designated musical guest, got more attention on the show and the only big role Paul Rudd got was playing a member of a family who would basically be kissing each other for the entire duration of the sketch. I'm sure you all remember this sketch: “The Vogelcheks.” Then Castmember Fred Armisen played the fatheran fellow alum Kristen Wiig and Bill Hader played the mother and brother respectfully. The sketch was brought forward once again when Paul Rudd returned to host on December 11th, 2010. In this particular episode, Paul Rudd's musical guest was Paul McCartney; who performed three times on the show and appeared in a sketch or two. I'm GREATLY hoping that Paul Rudd's musical guest One Direction doesn't end up taking away screentime from him and that our host gets to showcase his engaging comedic skills in the show's sketches.

And tonight, Paul Rudd is hosting to promore the December 18th release of “Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues”; the much-anticipated sequel to the 2004 comedy. Paul Rudd will reprise his role of Field Reporter “Brian Fantana” and Will ferrell, David Koechner, and Steve Carell will reprise their roles of “Ron Burgundy”, “Champ Kind” and “Brick Tamland” respectively. I am strongly hoping that the four performers will play the comical newsteam on tonight's episode; much to the delight of views in the studio and at home. I would love to see the four performers portray their characters on tonight's “Weekend Update”; reporting the news and just going at it together live on NBC. I would also enjoy seeing Will Ferrell, David Keochner, and Steve Carell appear in sketches along with Rudd and interacting with the “Saturday Night Live” cast. In other words, I JUST WANT A VERY MEMORABLE SHOW TONIGHT!!!

But, regardless of whatever happens, I will be live-blogging tonight's episode. Starting at 11:30pm, I will be commenting on the sketches, the writing, the performances, and anything else that comes to mind during the show. And by sometime mid week, I will be posting a review that outlines my opinions in greater detail.

So be sure to have your televisions set to NBC by 11:30pm and have my blog on your computers. Be sure to keep refreshing your computer screens so you can see my latest posts during the show. Feel free to share your own opinions by clicking the “comment” link underneath any of my posts, Your feedback means a lot and I look forward to seeing your opinions.

I thank you for following my blog and I appreciate your support. So stay tuned and in the spirit of the “Anchorman” films, let me just say..... “THAT'S NATER-TAINMENT!” FOLLOWERS, ASSEMBLE... AT 11:30PM!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, December 6, 2013

"Saturday Night Live" Review: Josh Hutcherson Hosts on 11/23/13

Cold Opening- “Piers Morgan Live”

This wasn't a bad opening. I always like “Saturday Night Live” Castmember Taran Killam's impression of Piers Morgan and his performance in this opening was good. In this installment, Killam's portrayal of Piers Morgan was interviewing guests regarding the latest criminal activity of George Zimmerman. Killam's best lines of the sketch were how he referred to himself as “the tiny little fool of news” as well as him reminding viewers at the end of the segment that he had won “Ceebrity Apprentice.” I did like Castmember Kate McKinnon's performance as the girlfriend of George Zimmerman; though I feel her writing could have been a bit better. Bobby Moynihan had a couple humorous lines as Florida Police Chief Mike Davis; the most humorous portion of his segment being the computerized images from Zimmerman's ankle monitor that revealed his most recent locations. In addition, I liked Featured Player Beck Bennett;s performance as George Zimmer; the founder of Men's Warehouse-- who was voicing his frustration with people confusing him for George Zimmerman. Bennett's performance was very humorous and I liked seeing him get a real funny role in a sketch after having mostly bit parts throughout a majority of the season so far. Overall, a decent opening.

Monologue- Josh Hutcherson

Let me first say that I'm happy that “Saturday night Live” did a creative monologue for Josh Hutcherson; as most monologues for young actors nowadays aren't that memorable. That being said, I've never seen any of the “Hunger Games” films or even have read the book. However, I have been given enough information from some of my good friends as to what the basic premise of the popular film adaptation of the book series is so I have an alright understanding. Josh Hutcherson handled himself well here and he interacted well with the cast. I liked the overall concept of the castmembers playing themselves and their worries about having to fight each other in a staging of the “Saturday Night Live Hunger Games”. I liked seeing Featured Player Noel Wells given some airtime; as she stated that she was able to take some comfort in that fact that she's at least getting something to do the show; as she was originally chosen to be the female participant in the games. I understood that Cecily Strong was basically playing “Katniss Everdeen” (the main character from the book series that Jennifer Lawrence played in the film adaptation). I got a slight chuckle out of Bobby Moynihan's reaction when it was revealed that he would be the male competitor. That being said, this was not a bad monologue; though it should be said that Josh Hutcherson wasn't really given a lot to do here.

Sketch- “Girlfriends Talk Show”

I am REALLY getting tired of this reoccurring sketch. Even though they somewhat changed the format of this sketch, seeing that Aidy Bryant's “Morgan” and Cecily Strong's “Kyra” were having a male guest on this particular installment, the overall format was basically the same as previous editions. There really wasn't anything funny here at all and the overall concept of “Kyra” eventually stealing the attention of their guest “Trevor Masterson”, played by Josh Hutcherson, away from “Morgan” wasn't humorous. In fact, there wasn't anything particularly memorable or funny here at all. Bryant and Strong weren't exactly very amusing at all and Hutcherson's character wasn't as well. I watched this sketch hoping to find something humorous; but alas, there wasn't anything. Just a very forgettable sketch.

Image of Aidy Bryant as "Morgan', Cecily Strong as "Kyra" and Josh Hutcherson as "Trevor Masterson" taken from

Sketch- Office Boss

Now THIS was a memorable and FUNNY sketch!! I'm glad to see Beck Bennett get to play the central character in a sketch. In this segment, Bennett played “Richard Patterson”; the head of a major company who possesses the body of a baby. Josh Hutcherson played a new employee who was meeting his boss for the first time. Bennett played his character very well and his mannerisms were spot-on! Highlights included Bennett fiddling around with various papers on a desk as well as “eating” his lunch, a plateful of spaghetti, by throwing the food around. Bennett's physical movements throughout the sketch were completely hilarious and his interactions with Hutcherson's and the castmembers characters were very humorous as well. My favorite being Bennett's character slowly make eye contact during a photo shoot for a magazine cover as Hutcherson's character was trying to gain his attention by jingling a set of keys within earshot. The whole sketch was well-performed and well-written and Beck Bennett's performance in this sketch has made him my absolute favorite out of all the six new “Saturday Night Live” featured players. Just a very enjoyable sketch and DEFINITELY one of my favorite of the season so far.

Image of Beck Bennett as "Richard Patterson" taken from

Short Film- “Matchbox 3”

Now, the show took another short nosedive. In this pre-recorded piece, Kenan Thompson, Jay Pharoah, and Josh Hutcherson played three subway dance performers with constricted skills. While I must salute the show for putting effort into the making of this sketch, it has to be said that it just wasn't very funny. Thompson, Pharoah, and Hutcherson performed finely and did the best they could to keep the sketch going. But, unfortunately, the sketch didn't really take off. So the three characters were only able to move certain parts of their bodies. Nothing else really happened; with the exception of Hutcherson's character getting lost at the end and having to be replaced. I mean, I liked the fact that a lot time was put into the sketch-- filming the piece on an actual subway. But, this just didn't take off. I feel this could have been better than it was.

Weekend Update”

And, here is yet another non-momentious edition of the weekly news-parody segment. Seth Meyers and Cecily Strong hardly had any funny jokes. Though I did like the latter stating “bette leck next time” to the other members of Maroon 5-- who all lost to Adam Levine for being People Magazine's “Sexiest Man Alive” for 2013. As for this particular segment's featured guests, Aidy Bryant played “The Worst Lady on an Airplane”; who displayed the various acts of annoyances she would be subjecting her fellow passengers to during flights. Bryant's performance and segment came off a bit too over-the-top for my taste; though I did get a slight chuckle out of her comment that one of her three travel bags was only filled with all of her pills. Aside from that, I didn't get any laughs out of Bryant's poerformance. This edition of “Weekend Update” wasn't that great and I'm truly hoping that Bryant's character doesn't end up being reoccurring.

Image of Aidy Bruant as "The Worst Lady on an Airplane" taken from

Sketch- Best Buy Firing

And here's another reoccurring sketch I have already grown tired of. Bobby Moynihan and Cecily Strong once again played their obnoxiously loud employee characters “Niff” and “Dana” respectively; who shout completely inappropriate jokes towards their fellow co-workers during a staff meeting. Moynihan's and Strong's performances in these sketches aren't humorous at all and they just come off as being completely irritating throughout the entire segment. Josh Hutcherson played their boss; but he wasn't given anything humorous at all. The only time I laugh during these sketches is when “Niff”'s and “Dana”'s hapless fellow employee “Carl”, played by Tim Robinson this past season, who would good-naturally say “Oh Well. Easy come, easy go” after hearing that he's been fired. And now that Robinson is no longer a performer on the show, I don't fund much to laugh at during these. The only time I did chuckle was from Beck Bennett's character; who had orange food remnants around his mouth. I wish that “Saturday Night Live” would stop doing these sketches.

Short Film- Dancing

And here's another offering from “GoodNeighborStuff” Comedy Duo and current “Saturday Night Live” Featured Players Beck Bennett and Kyle Mooney. In this short piece, Mooney plays a guy who immediately catches the eye of a music producer, played by Bennett, after he's seen dancing in his apartment. This leads to Mooney's character rapidly riding the roller-coaster ride of fame without leaving his own apartment. This short had various small touches that made it hilarious-- such as Bennett's character making a video of Mooney's character dancing and then the former throwing the tape at the VCR and it played on TV instantly. The short got even funnier as it went on-- leading up to Bennett's character instantly picking up a newspaper featuring an article displaying a picture of Mooney's character with an accompanying headline saying “No Longer Popular.” I'm really enjoying these short films with Beck Bennett and Kyle Mooney. They have great interplay and their short films are rich in hilarious-yet-subtle comedy. I look forward to seeing more short films from them as the season moves on.

Sketch- Veterinarians

This was a poorly-written sketch. Kate McKinnon, Cecily Strong, and Josh Hutcherson play three veterinarians who make people think their pets are dead and instruct them to sign the forms that confirm they heard the news. This was a very one-joke sketch that basically relied on mean-spirited humor. And the revelation at the end that none of the animals were actually dead and the trio of veterinarians were just being irresponsible wasn't funny at all. I will say that McKinnon, Strong, and Hutcherson performed their parts finely and the latter did well interacting with the “Saturday Night Live” castmembers. Regardless, this sketch wasn't funny at all and the “jokes” weren't spectacular..

Short-Filmed Piece- An Investigative Report

Well, this was an absurd sketch.... but in a good way. Featured Player Mike O'Brien played a goofy street reporter named "Winston Sam Bass" who would approach insects, hold up a microphone to them, and “interview” them. Even though the premise was completely stupid, Mike O'Brien's performance as the pathetic reporter made this sketch easy to watch. The over-eagerness of his character was humorous and I laughed when he started crying when realizing that he shouldn't be making fun of plus-sized insects when he himself used to be chubby. Josh Hutcherson also brought some laughs as the younger brother of O'Brien's character-- who managed to pull off an “interview” with an insect just by throwing his own voice. But it was Mike O'Brien's performance here that made the sketch memorable. Watching his character start out being very excited about his job only to eventually realize just how pathetic he was being throughout the whole report. This was the best thing Mike O'Brien has done on the show so far this season and I wonder what else he has in store for us this season.

Image of Mike O'Brien as "Winston Sam Bass" taken from

Sketch- Thanksgiving Dinner

This wasn't an entirely hilarious closing sketch. Josh Hutcherson played a college students returning home to his family for Thanksgiving dinner. Along with him, he brings his new girlfriend-- a turkey, played by Vanessa Beyer. The girlfriend, played by Vanessa Bayer, was terrified to see the family eating a member of her own species for their holiday dinner-- so much so, that she eventually gets fed up and leaves-- cut to footage of a live turkey leaving the family's house in a state of panic. First let me say that all the performances in this sketch were fine. Vanessa Bayer did well playing the terrified turkey and Josh Hutcherson played his role as the boyfriend. But my biggest laugh from the cast came from Taran Killam as the father when screaming the words “Goddang Turkey” when expressing his shock when that his son was dating a turkey. Other than that, there wasn't anything truly hilarious in the sketch. It was well-performed; even if the ending felt a bit abrupt. All in all, not a terrible closing sketch. I just wish it was funnier.

And, that's the show. Josh Hutcherson did an alright job as the show's host and he had decent chemistry with the “Saturday Night Live” cast. Though I have to say that the biggest laughs I got during the show were from Beck Bennett; for his performances in the “Office Boss” sketch as well as his role of George Zimmer during the cold opening as well as his performance in the “Dancing” short film. Bennett is the best out of the new castmembers and I'm looking forward to seeing more from him as the season progresses. I also got some laughs from Kyle Mooney, for his performance in the “Dancing” short film, as well as Mike O'Brien-- for his performance as his reporter character in the Investigative Report piece. The writing is still not so great, and I'm hope that things get better with this month's shows

And that brings us to the new episodes for this month. Tomorrow night, Paul Rudd will be hosting the show for his third time and he will be joined by One Direction as the evening's musical guest. Paul Rudd is one of my favorite current comedic performers and I'm GREATLY hoping that he gets good sketches tomorrow night. Then, on December 14th, veteran returning host John Goodman will be joined by musical guest Kings of Leon. Goodman will be emceeing the show for his thirteenth time and is also returning to the show for the first time since 2001. I'm REALLY looking forward to seeing him host next week; as there was a time that he would host every year-- considering that he did so for ELEVEN straight years-- the show's fifteenth season to its twenty-fifth. He was always a good sketch comedy performer and I'm looking forward to seeing him interact with the current cast, In addition, on December 21st, Former “Saturday Night Live” Castmember and current host of “Late Night” Jimmy Fallon will be hosting for his second time. Joining him will be the one and only Justin Timberlake; who will be performing as theshow's musical guest for his fifth time. The combination of Fallon and Timberlake for the Christmas show is a GREAT one; as they have great chemistry and they always bring the funny whenever they are together. And seeing that Fallon last hosted one of my favorite shows in recent years, the Season 37 Christmas Show, I'm betting this episode will be VERY entertaining and memorable. Hopefully, the writers come up with good sketches for all three December hosts. I'm truly hoping the writers and cast DO NOT let us down. We have THREE potentially memorable shows coming up this month. So let's just hope the writers do not let us down.

That being said, don't miss my live-coverage of tomorrow night's episode. Before the show, I will be posting an article that outlines my thoughts regarding Paul Rudd hosting. Then, beginning at 11:30pm, I will be commenting on the sketches, the writing, the performances, and anything else that comes to mind during the show.

So be sure to have your televisions set to NBC by 11:30pm and have my blog on your computers. Be sure to keep refreshing your computer screens so you can see my latest posts during the show. Feel free to share your own opinions by clicking the “comment” link underneath any of my posts, Your feedback means a lot and I look forward to seeing your opinions.

I thank you for following my blog and I appreciate your support. Stay tuned and I'll see you all tomorrow!!!!