1. Tonight at 9:00pm, NBC is airing the season premier of the ninth and final season of "The Office." I will be watching tonight's episode very closely and by the end of the weekend, I'll be posting a mini review of the episode. I'll be talking about the central plotline of the episode-- which is entitled "New Guys" and focuses on the hiring of two new characters; to be played by new castmembers Clark Duke and Jake Lacy. In my critique, I'll be talking about the writing of the episode as well as the performances by the show's cast. I'm hoping the final season of the hit NBC series to start off on a good note; as this will be the final season premier.
Image of "The Office" cast (from left to right): Craig Robinson as "Darryl Philbin", Zach Woods as "Gabe Lewis," Phyllis Smith as "Phyllis Lapin-Vance," Brian Baumgartner as "Kevin Malone," Oscar Nunez as "Oscar Martinez," Creed Bratton as "Creed Bratton," Ellie Kemper as "Erin Hannon," Ed Helms as "Andy Bernard," Raiin Wilson as "Dwight Schrute," Kate Flannery as "Meredith Palmer," Leslie David Baker as "Stanley Hudson," Angela Kinsey as "Angela Martin," Mindy Kailing as "Kelly Kapoor," BJ Novak as "Ryan Howard," Paul Lieberstein as "Toby Flenderson," John Krasinski as "Jim Halpert," and Jenna Fischer as "Pam Halpert" taken from http://www.officetally.com/the-office-season-9-poster
2. This weekend, the second episode of Season Thirty-Eight of "Saturday Night Live" will be airing. This week's episode will feature Joseph Gordon-Levitt; who is hosting for his second time. I enjoyed Gordon-Levitt's first hosting stint, which aired on November 21, 2009, as he proved to have a lot of energy and succeeded in bestowing keen performances throughout the evening. Throughout this week's show, I will be blogging live; commenting on the performances, writing, and anything else that comes to mind. And as I blog live, feel free to comment by clicking the "comment" link underneath every one of my posts. Your feedback means A LOT and I'm looking forward to a fun-filled evening.
Image of (From left to right): "Saturday Night Live" Castmember Jason Sudeikis and Joseph Gordon-Levitt taken from http://www.google.com/imgres?hl=en&sa=X&qscrl=1&rlz=1T4ADFA_enUS473US477&biw=1440&bih=672&tbm=isch&prmd=imvnsuo&tbnid=HyIPkr-nU3T9YM:&imgrefurl=http://celebrity-gossip.net/saturday-night-live/joseph-gordon-levitt%25E2%2580%2599s-snl-promos-watch-now-729208&docid=QLVXCcp0U8WPDM&imgurl=http://cdn3.gossipcenter.com/sites/default/files/imagecache/story_header/photos/levitt-snl-promos.jpg&w=420&h=300&ei=kahbUPXICOrk0QGH3IGYDw&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=575&vpy=316&dur=4063&hovh=190&hovw=266&tx=162&ty=103&sig=113274352029504757689&page=1&tbnh=158&tbnw=193&start=0&ndsp=19&ved=1t:429,r:8,s:0,i:100
So stay tuned. By the end of this weekend, there will a good amount of Nater-Tainment for you to read and enjoy. Thank you for all your support and I'll see you this weekend!
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