This was quite a weak show. I can honestly say, though, that Bruno Mars wasn't terrible. True he sang a lot and he appeared slightly nervous at the start of the show, but his overall stage presence wasn't bad.
The opening debate sketch featured good performances from Jason Sudeikis, Jay Pharoah, Aidy Bryant, and the rest of the actresses and actors, but the writing wasn't very stellar. Jason Sideikis and Jay Pharoah had good chemistry and I liked seeing how their protrayals of Mitt Romney and President Barack Obama respectfully grew incresingly angered as the sketch progressed. Aidy Bryant did very well portraying the moderator and I'm glad to see the featured performer get good screentime. I really wish that Tom Hanks had a much larger part; rather than just a quick cameo. But his performance made me laugh. Finally, it was nice to see Aidy Bryant open the show. I'm hoping she gets more screentime as the season continues.
Bruno Mars' monologue was alright. Despite appearing nervous, Bruno Mars performed alright; though the self-deprecating comments and lyrics weren't very funny. He did have a keen amount of energy, however, and his lyric about Justin Timberlake made me chuckle. I also liked how he mentioned that he was aware of everyone judging him to see how good he would be as an actor; and that is basically a true fact-- seeing as he is not a professional actor. All in all, Bruno Mars' performance, while not entirely amazing, was slightly better than I thought it would be.
The "Haters" talk show seemed to have no purpose; rather than just providing Bruno Mars the opportunity to dress up as a woman. There wasn't any truly amazing performances in this sketch and it ended too quickly. No one was hilarious in this sketch and it was basically a waste of time.
The Pandora sketch featured a simple premise as well as the opportunity for Bruno Mars to emulate the musical stylings of other recording artists. I thought he did alright copying Green Day frontman Billy Joe Armstrong's manner of singing and I will commend Mars on his decent impression of Michael Jackson. Though the format of the sketch was very simple, Bruno Mars actually did okay as a whole. The ending of the sketch, however, wasn't funny and appeared tacked on.
"Weekend Update" wasn't terrible. Seth Meyers did the best he could with the weak material and he did have at least one or two slightly-amusing jokes. I liked seeing Bill Hader play Stefon once again; though the writing wasn't very funny; causing him to not have a lot to work with. Nevertheless, Hader gave a good performance as usual and he did make me laugh; thanks in large part to his enthusiastic delivery.
I liked seeing the Merryville animatronic characters again; and the Halloween spin on the reoccurring sketch was quite creative. Taran Killam once again gave a good performance and I have to admit that Bruno Mars did an alright job with the body movements. Jay Pharoah was very good as well as the excited passenger and Vanessa Bayer was funny as his terrified companion. I also enjoyed seeing Tom Hanks make a surprise appearance as another animatronic character. His body movements were very good and his brief dialogue with Vanessa Bayer was funny as well. The sketch as a whole was quite creative and ended up being one of the episode's few bright spots.
The Yeti sketch started out good; with Bruno Mars showcasing some very funny facial reactions. The sight of him wearing an eye patch was humorous and I liked how he interacted with Jason Sudeikis and Vanessa Bayer; both of whom were quite humorous as the skeptical visitors. Bill Hader made me laugh as the old man; up until he brought up the cheap and crude sexual content. What's more, though the yeti at the end was a creative inclusion, the over-the-top sexual humor wasn't very funny at all. Though I did like the image of Bill Hader's character walking off with the yeti as romantic music played. If this sketch didn't have such inappropriate content, this could have been my favorite sketch of the night. All the performances were good but I do not approve of the writers resorting to inappropriate humor to get laughs from the audience.
I don't have anything to say about the Underground Rock festival as towards the end of the show. Though Jason Sudeikis and Nasim Padrad's performances were humorous, the foul language and shock humor left a bad taste in my mouth. These sketches usually follow the same pattern; right up with Bobby Moynihan's character dying every time he appears in the sketch. In addition, I don't feel that Bruno Mars contributed anything noteworthy to the sketch. He didn't make me laugh at all and his presentation came off one-dimensional and forced. A weak way of ending the night.
In all honesty, Bruno Mars wasn't terrible; though he wasn't great. He interacted alright with the members of the cast; but I feel that he could have done a little bit better; particularly in any scenes where he interacted with Jason Sudeikis-- who always manages to make me laugh. Bruno Mars did what he could with the material he was given; but unfortunately, he only made me laugh a couple times.
I do have to commend Castmembers Jason Sudeikis, Bill Hader, Jay Pharoah, and Kate McKinnon on their performances tonight. They all got great opportunities to showcase their comedic skills and they are very great performers. Taran Killam was also good tonight; especially during the Merryvill Ride sketch. I did like his Brad Pitt impression during the commercial parodies; but the sheer abundance of the segments caused them to lose their overall punch. There only should have been two spoofs and we would have gotten the joke without the bits going into overkill.
So is Bruno Mars a gifted actor? The answer is: no. But he did what he could; though he was mostly saddled with weak premises for most of the show; save for the yeti and Marryville sketches. He came off as being wooden during most of the show; with his performance in the yeti sketch as possibly being his best. I'm not sure if I would venture out to theaters to see Bruno Mars act in a movie. He's just alright; not amazing.
As for his musical performances, Bruno Mars' songs don't have any unique sound. Both of his songs weren't great and the music wasn't at all catchy. His singing sounds the same whenever he croons a melody; causing his musical performances to be forgettable. Simply put, I'm not a big fan of Bruno Mars.
And that concludes my live-blogging coverage. Thank you all for following me and I look forward to posting my next big writing. Good night everybody!
What's That Stench? It smells like Grade-A Honesty! The Place for Direct Opinions on Movies and TV Shows!
Saturday, October 20, 2012
They've done sketches like this before
These underground rock festival sketches basically follow the same format every time. The performances are good but the material is kind of forced.
This performance isn't particularly amazing
This particular song sounds like other songs I have heard from Bruno Mars. Nothing special at all.
These Brad Pitt parodies have offically got old
And that was it? Commercials? That was too rushed.
I liked that Bill Hader introduced Bruno Mars' second performance as Stefon.
I liked that Bill Hader introduced Bruno Mars' second performance as Stefon.
Now they bring in sexual humor into the mix. Why did they have to throw in shock humor like that?
This could have been good without the sex jokes.
Bruno Mars and Bill Hader made me laugh with their performances.
I don't like the shock humor that was going on in the background with the yeti.
Bill Hader walking off with the yeti while romantic music played was worth a chuckle or two.
Aside from the crude sex humor, that was a creative and amusing sketch.
Bruno Mars and Bill Hader made me laugh with their performances.
I don't like the shock humor that was going on in the background with the yeti.
Bill Hader walking off with the yeti while romantic music played was worth a chuckle or two.
Aside from the crude sex humor, that was a creative and amusing sketch.
This looks like it could be good
Bruno Mars is actually making me laugh. His facial reactions are pretty humorous. I like the sight of him wearing the eye patch.
Bill Hader is funny as the elderly man.
This is a creative idea for a sketch.
Bill Hader is funny as the elderly man.
This is a creative idea for a sketch.
I like seeing Jay Pharoah get more screentime
That was a good twist. Even though they've done that sketch before, the Halloween angle was a nice touch to keep the sketch fresh. Good performances by all performers. Even Bruno Mars
They brought the Merryville sketch
This sketch usually follows the same format every time. Bruno Mars is doing a good job with the body movements.
Bill Hader is great as always
His performance improves the quality of the segment.
Short "Weekend Update" tonight
Short "Weekend Update" tonight
The writing isn't great for this particular Stefon segment
Bill Hader's performance improves the quality though.
That was an alright ending
Is this going to be a replacement for the digital shorts? Little short films like that? Wouldn't be a bad idea if they come up with some good material
Ha. Bruno Mars is signing like Justin Bieber
This isn't funny at all. Let me guess. At the end of the sketch, he has to sing like Bruno Mars
Now Bruno Mars is singing in the style of Aerosmith
I don't find this sketch very funny. It's just a way to get the audience screaming.
I'm not familar with Pandora.
Is the joke in this sketch basically going to be Bruno Mars singing in the style of other musicians? Very simple premise that can get the audience to applaud easily.
Featured Player Tim Robinson got a small role in the sketch
That sketch ended too quickly. There basically wasn't anything there at all
New Talk Show sketch
Bobby Moynihan in a dress. Cross-dressing for the sake of getting a cheap laugh
Taran Killam is spoofing Brad Pitt's Chanel ad
He does a good impression of the actor. The writing isn't great but he performed well
I'm not the biggest fan of his singing
This is alright. But I'm not laughing a lot. I liked his Justin Timberlake comment though
Good to see Aidy Bryant open the show
Not a terrible opening. Wish that Tom Hanks got to do a little more. Good performances all around.
The writing is alright. Not spectacular
Bill Hader as the second audience member. He's good as always
It's Almost That Time
In just a little under an hour, tonight's episode of "Saturday Night Live" will begin. I will be judging Bruno Mars' performance as the show's host and decide whether or not he is a good actor. I will also be critiquing the writing of the sketches as well as the performances by the show's cast. Needless to say, I will be doing A LOT of blogging.
So be sure to have my blog on your computers and your televisions set to NBC by 11:30pm. Be sure to keep refreshing your screens so you can see my latest comments. Fell free to post any of your own opinions by clicking the "comment" link underneath any of my posts. Your feedback means a lot and I thank you for following my blog.
So stay tuned and I'll see you at 11:30pm!
So be sure to have my blog on your computers and your televisions set to NBC by 11:30pm. Be sure to keep refreshing your screens so you can see my latest comments. Fell free to post any of your own opinions by clicking the "comment" link underneath any of my posts. Your feedback means a lot and I thank you for following my blog.
So stay tuned and I'll see you at 11:30pm!
From the Mind of Nate; My Opinions as to How the Current Season of "Saturday Night Live" is Shaping Up
For the record, I am very fair when criticizing the current season of NBC's long-running sketch comedy program “Saturday Night Live.” I always wait until the halfway mark to critique the quality of the writing, the performances of the series' castmembers, and other matters that are worth mentioning. However, when looking over the quality of the first four episodes of Season Thirty-Eight of “Saturday Night Live,” I feel that my opinions must be shared earlier than usual. Seeing as the iconic late-night series faced the departure of three castmembers over the past Summer, I figure it is only fair to make my judgments on how the current season is shaping up. While the departure of Four-Year Castmember Abby Elliott was announced August 2012, I didn't feel as though the show was experiencing a major loss. Within her four years on the program, Elliott's main contribution was a handful of decent celebrity impressions that managed to surface at least a couple times each year. Other than occasionally impersonating actresses like Zooey Deschanel and Angelina Jolie, Elliott didn't do anything remarkable; thus causing her absence to be less-than-noticeable.
While this is so, I was more concerned about the departures of Seven-Year Castmembers Andy Samberg and Kristen Wiig. Joining the show in 2005, both performers greatly impacted the past years with stand-out performances and sketches. Throughout his tenure as a castmember, Andy Samberg, provided the series with creative short films that featured catchy melodies, comical characters, and a zany flair that gave the long-running series new life. These pieces, which Samberg created along with his comedy co-horts Akiva Schaffer Jorma Taccone, attracted large audiences; made larger thanks to video-sharing websites like Youtube. Simply put, audiences would tune in week after week to see what the episode's Digital Short would be. Usually, each one would star Samberg along with different castmembers as well as the show's designated host. Simply put, these short films were very successful and they lead to Andy Samberg having a great effect on the weekly comedy program.
While Andy Samberg proved to be a valued member of the “Saturday Night Live” family, it was really Kristen Wiig who proved to be the star. Throughout her seven years on the show, Kristen Wiig managed to save the quality of a given sketch; thanks in large part to her strong talent and engaging stage presence. Even though she was often portraying reoccurring characters that relied on repetitive catchphrases and rehashed premises, Wiig's acting significantly saved the quality of the sketch. Whether she was playing the mischief-making student “Gilly” the constantly-bragging “Penelope,” or stage actress and regular “Secret Word” contestant “Mindy Grasin,” Kristen Wiig bestowed a genuine performance that allowed audience members and viewers at home to laugh. And throughout her tenure on the show, Kristen Wiig proved to be adept at all kinds of comedy: physical, verbal, and subtle. No matter how poorly-written a sketch was, Kristen Wiig made everything better. Her splendid farewell sketch on May 18th 2012 was very much deserved and I was disappointed to see her leave.
So where are we now? On September 15th, 2012, Season Thirty-Eight of “Saturday Night Live” started with “Family Guy” Creator and “Ted” Director Seth MacFarlane serving as the first host. Though MacFarlane was very good, as he managed to improve the quality of the sketches with comical performances, the show, as a whole, wasn't great. The absence of Kristen Wiig was indeed noticeable; as the current female castmembers supplied performances that were either quite fair or very overdrawn. For instance, Vanessa Bayer, who served as a Featured Performer for the past two years and was now upgraded to the series' main cast, mostly gave performances that appeared to be slightly forced. For instance, on the episode's installment of “Weekend Update,” Bayer portrayed Reality Television Sensation Honey Boo Boo; while Five-Year Castmember Bobby Moynihan portrayed the character's mother. At first, Bayer's performance was alright; as she portrayed the little girl with amusing dash. However, as the segment progressed, Bayer's performance became very exaggerated; getting to the point where the volume of her voice became irksome. Her act began to feel forced; so much so that I was counting the minutes until the segment ended. In addition, New Featured Player Cecily Strong made her debut as a political volunteer, commenting on the upcoming election. The writing of the segment wasn't at all funny, and Strong's presentation was quite bothersome. Fortunately, Four-Year Castmember Nasim Pedrad engaged in a creative sketch with Host Seth MacFarlane; one that allowed the actress to demonstrate some very good voice work. Nevertheless, the departure of Kristen Wiig was very evident and it significantly affected the atmosphere of the season premier.
Through I will admit, in all honesty, the episode wasn't entirely bad. In addition to Seth MacFarlane's performance as the host, I was greatly impressed with Jay Pharoah's impersonation of President Barack Obama. After watching Castmember Fred Armisen “treat” audiences with a more-than-lackluster impression of the Forty-Forth President of The United States, it was a significant relief to see Pharoah, who is now a member of the show's main cast after spending two years as a Featured Performer, get assigned such an important role. Right from the start of the episode's opening, Pharoah had a good handle on the impression; as he mimicked our Commander in Chief's vocal work quite well. And, as the season has progressed, Pharoah's impression got even better; leading to a very comical take on the first presidential debate that took place on the October 6th episode of “Saturday Night Live.” I'm truly looking forward to seeing Jay Pharoah portray President Barack Obama throughout the season.
Image of Jason Sudeikis as Mitt Romney and Jay Pharoah as President Barack Obama taken from,r:4,s:11,i:126
I will also mention that Long-Time Castmember Jason Sudeikis has provided audiences and viewers with very good performances so far this season. As the 2012 Presidential Election heats up, Jason Sudeikis has provided many laughs with his straightforward portraiture of Mitt Romney. Sudeikis' performances have been very entertaining; especially last week when he bestowed his over-eager portrayal of Vice President Joe Biden. Right when last week's Vice Presidential Debate parody started, Sudeikis' brash delivery caused me to laugh almost immediately. Just as we have seen with Kristen Wiig, Jason Sudeikis is more-than-capable of improving the quality of the sketches with his comedic performance. For instance, last week's parody of “The Odyssey” featured the simple joke of the sirens, played by Host Christina Applegate as well as Featured Players Kate McKinnon and Cecily Strong, luring the crewmen of Jason Sudeikis' Odysseus to their fate by crooning songs from the 1990s. Though all the performances were very good, it was Sudeikis' comical feat that proved to be the sketch's best asset. I am truly looking forward to seeing Sudeikis shine more as the season progresses.
I will also say that Featured Player Kate McKinnon has also impressed me. Since joining the show this past April, McKinnon has showcased some enjoyable performances. It all started on her first show; which was hosted by Sofia Vergara. During a piece in which Vergara filmed a Pantene advertisement along with Kate McKinnon's Penelope Cruz. Throughout the segment, McKinnon's fearless act proved to evoke much laughter. And this season, McKinnon has showcased some more humorous performances; among which included a sharp-tongued portrayal of Vice Presidential Debate Moderator Martha Raddatz this past weekend as well as an entertaining impersonation of Anne Romney during the September 22nd installment of “Weekend Update.” Even though she has only been on the show for nine episodes as of now, Kate McKinnon has proven to be a very good sketch comedy performer.

Image of Kate McKinnon as Ann Romney and "Weekend Update" Anchor Seth Meyers taken from,r:9,s:0,i:102
Image of Kate McKinnon as Ann Romney and "Weekend Update" Anchor Seth Meyers taken from,r:9,s:0,i:102
I will also mention that Bill Hader, who is now in his eighth year as a castmember, continues to be valuable performer to the show as well. For instance, in a sketch that aired during the season premier, a hapless puppetry instructor, played by Host Seth MacFarlane, was faced with a student, played by Hader, who keeps referencing his war experiences in Grenada throughout the lesson. It was very funny to see Hader utilize a puppet that was basically a felt representation of his on-screen persona. Hader's performance got even more hilarious as the sketch progressed; thus reminding me even further as to how important the longtime castmember is to the show. Bill Hader has continued to provide comical feats throughout the first four episodes of the season; among which include playing a private detective during a piece with Guest Host Joseph Gordon-Levitt on September 22nd as well as exhibiting a quick-but-dead-on impression of Arnold Schwarzenegger during a film parody that took place this past week. In other words, no matter how small the role, Bill Hader continues to be a great performer.

Image of Bill Hader taken from,r:8,s:8,i:130
Image of Bill Hader taken from,r:8,s:8,i:130
I will also say that all four of the season's hosts have been quite good; despite the weak material. As mentioned before, Seth MacFarlane did a fine job hosting the season's opening episode on September 15th; often saving the sketches with amusing performances. In addition. Joseph Gordon-Levitt turned in a memorable second hosting stint on September 22nd; as his immense enthusiasm greatly improved the evening's sketches-- no matter how poorly written a the segment. For instance, during the second-to-last sketch of the evening, a married couple, played by Fred Armisen and Kate McKinnon, introduces a visiting man, played by Featured Player Tim Robinson, to their daughter, played by Gordon-Levitt, through a musical performance. Though the sketch was slightly predictable and seemed to be using the sight of the show's host in a dress as a simple visual punchline,Gordon-Levitt imparted a genuinely funny dance routine; one that made up for the mediocrity of the writing. Furthermore, Daniel Craig, who hosted on October 6th, did the best he could to save the episode; despite the fact that the writing in nearly every piece was either mundane or ridiculous. For example, a sketch in which a group of male castmembers and Craig portrayed construction workers hitting on women was weekly scribed; as the main joke proved to be that our host's character was inept at making pick-up lines. Though the dialogue wasn't very funny, Craig made a strong effort to improve the quality of the sketch; going as far as to speak each line with absolute zest. Craig maintained positive performances throughout the show and ended up working quite well with the cast. Lastly, this past Christina Applegate performed well; despite the weak material. Whether it was performing a song about the relaxing time period before the major holidays for her monologue or portraying an overzealous dance instructor, Applegate blended in well with the show's talented troupe and provided life for even the show's thinnest segments. No matter what, these hosts were all great and managed to improve the quality of every episode thanks in large to their performances.
Image of Daniel Craig on SNL taken from,r:8,s:9,i:150&tx=24&ty=76
So here we are now. For tonight's show will feature Recording Artist Bruno Mars as both the host and musical guest. Having never seen Mars act; I am uncertain as to how tonight will go. Will Mars successfully entertain and provide laughter? Or will he prove to be unfunny and impart a listless presentation throughout the show's ninety minute duration?
Throughout the show, as usual, I will be commenting on the sketches as well as the performances by the performances from the cast. But I will be paying close attention to Bruno Mars' turn as the show's host. I will critique his chemistry with the cast, his comedic timing, and how he's conducting himself throughout every segment. And for my review following the broadcast, I will decide whether or not Bruno Mars can be considered a legitimate actor.

Image of Bruno Mars taken from,r:8,s:10,i:137
Image of Bruno Mars taken from,r:8,s:10,i:137
As usual, please feel free to share your own opinions by clicking the “comment” link underneath every one of my blog posts. Your feedback means a lot and I thank you all for following my blog.
So be sure to have your televisions set to NBC by 11:30pm and have my blog set on your computers. Be sure to keep refreshing your screens so you can see my latest comments. Trust me, you do NOT want to miss my live-blogging of tonight's episode of “Saturday Night Live.”
Thank you all and I'll see you at showtime!
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Reminder About Saturday Night
Image of (from left to right) "Saturday Night Live" Castmember Fred Armisen and Host / Musical Guest Bruno Mars taken from,r:12,s:63,i:323
This Saturday evening, don't miss my live-blogging of an all-new episode of "Saturday Night Live;" featuring Recording Artist Bruno Mars as both the host and musical guest. My blogging is going to be more critical than usual; considering that Bruno Mars is not at all known for acting. I am going to judge how he does as an actor briefly during and after each sketch. And then after the show, within the context of my review, I am going to strongly decide whether or not Bruno Mars is a good actor. I will also, as usual, be criticizing the writing of every sketch as well as the performances of the cast of "Saturday Night Live." Needless to say, it's going to be a busy night.
I also want to mention that prior to the episode, I will be posting my next article; as it pertains to "Saturday Night Live." I'm going to be presenting my opinions on the first few episodes of the current season as well as how the show is shaping out with the absences of Abby Elliott, Andy Samberg, and of course, Kristen Wiig; who was one of the most vital performers that have graced "Saturday Night Live" in recent years. The article may not be completely long; but I will be sharing some vital opinions. Expect the writing posted a little before the show airs.
So be sure to tune in to my coverage of this week's episode of "Saturday Night Live." Be sure to have your televisions set to NBC by 11:30pm and have my blog on your computers. Keep refreshing your screens so you can read my latest opinions. Feel free to contribute your own thoughts by clicking the "comment" link underneath every one of my posts. Your feedback means a lot and I thank you for following my blog.
So stay tuned for what I hope will be an exciting night. Thank you and see you Saturday!
Saturday, October 13, 2012
All in all, that wasn't a great show at all
Christina Applegate did a fine job as the show's host. But unfortunately, she was saddled with mostly weak material.
The opening debate sketch was very good. Once again, Jason Sudeikis was hilarious as Joe Biden. His delivery was great and he had some very good lines. Taran Killam did fine as Paul Ryan; and his facial reactions and mannerisms were very funny. Kate McKinnon did a good job and she gave a very energetic LFNY. Very good opening.
Christina Applegate's monologue was fun. I liked her song about how this time of the year is the calm before the storm that is Thanksgiving and Halloween. The idea of the Muppet knock-offs were very funny and Jason Sudeikis' impression of Comedian Dane Cook was very amusing. Christina Applegate did a very good job; as her performance was very funny and energetic. Very good monologue tonight.
I have nothing to say about The Californians. Once again, the sketch basically consisted of jokes too similar to those present in the previous two installments. Christina Applegate tried the best she could with the material; but the sketch was boggled down by bad writing and overstated performances Fred Armisen and some of the other castmembers. Not a great sketch at all.
"Tech Talk" could have been a very good sketch; as the premise about quibbles with the latest I-Phone could have been funny on its own. Unfortunately, the main joke of the sketch turned out to be making fun of Japanese accents and portraying caricatures. The sketch basically made fun the way Japanese people speak; and I consider that to be a very cheap and desperate way to get laughs from the audience. As said before with The Californians, this was not a great sketch at all.
"Weekend Update" also proved to not be very funny. Aside from two or three of Seth Meyers' jokes, nothing made me laugh. Nasim Pedrad's impression of Ariana Huffington just dragged and strongly lacked comedy. kenan Thompson's performance as his character "Jean k. Jean" wasn't hilarious either; and the writing wasn't inspired at all. Both Pedrad and Thompson weren't hilarious and their performances just came off as one-dimensional and tedious. Not a great "Weekend Update" at all.
The Greek Myths sketch could have been better. The voyagers being seduced by the sirens' crooning of popular tunes of the late 90s' wasn't entirely hilarious and the joke got a bit old. I will say that all the performances were good; especially Jason Sudeikis.' it was obvious that he was having fun during the sketch and his lines were very hilarious. As I said at the start of my live-blogging coverage, SNL is going to suffer a major loss when he leaves at some point during the season.
I liked seeing Jay Pharoah's principal character again. Pharoah has become a better comic performer and I'm happy to see him get more to do. Christina Applegate was funny as her character; and Kenan Thompson was alright. The writing was decent; but, in all honesty, the jokes involving Applegate's character got slightly predictable. But, once again, the performances of Applegate and Pharoah were pretty good.
The final sketch of the night, which involved Christina Applegate as a dance instructor, dragged a lot and suffered greatly from weak writing. Christina Applegate did the best she could to save the piece; but unfortunately, not much could be done to do so. The jokes were all repetitive and the jokes were predictable. A very weak way to close the show.
I will say that I did like the commercial spoof from earlier in the show that were making fun of the promos for "Taken 2" and "The Expandables 2." All the performers' exhibited great impressions and I liked seeing the trailers for these types of being spoofed. These movie trailer spoofs that SNL has been doing this season are very funny and they are becoming a good replacement for the Digital Shorts; which have ended now that Andy Samberg has left the show.
I will also say that Passion Pit were a good musical guest. While their first song was a tad light for my taste, their second performance was much more lively and more fun. In fact, the lead singer's voice during the second song sounded much better and more engaging than the first performance.
And that's it. Christina Applegate did a fine job tonight; but she was stuck with sketches that dragged and suffered from repetitive jokes and predictable scenarios. Those factors are greatly affecting the quality of SNL and I truly hope the writers get their act together for the rest of the season.
However, no matter what, I'm not very excited about next week's show. Musician Bruno Mars is going to be serving double duty as both the show's host and musical guest. I've never seen Bruno Mars act or partake in any interviews; so I have no idea how he'll do. In addition, I'm not a big fan of his music as the songs I have heard from him tend to have lyrics that are either too redundant or too flavorless.
And that concludes my live-blogging coverage for tonight's episode of "Saturday Night Live." Thank you all for following me and I look forward to posting my next big article sometime this week.
Thank you again and Good Night Everybody!
The opening debate sketch was very good. Once again, Jason Sudeikis was hilarious as Joe Biden. His delivery was great and he had some very good lines. Taran Killam did fine as Paul Ryan; and his facial reactions and mannerisms were very funny. Kate McKinnon did a good job and she gave a very energetic LFNY. Very good opening.
Christina Applegate's monologue was fun. I liked her song about how this time of the year is the calm before the storm that is Thanksgiving and Halloween. The idea of the Muppet knock-offs were very funny and Jason Sudeikis' impression of Comedian Dane Cook was very amusing. Christina Applegate did a very good job; as her performance was very funny and energetic. Very good monologue tonight.
I have nothing to say about The Californians. Once again, the sketch basically consisted of jokes too similar to those present in the previous two installments. Christina Applegate tried the best she could with the material; but the sketch was boggled down by bad writing and overstated performances Fred Armisen and some of the other castmembers. Not a great sketch at all.
"Tech Talk" could have been a very good sketch; as the premise about quibbles with the latest I-Phone could have been funny on its own. Unfortunately, the main joke of the sketch turned out to be making fun of Japanese accents and portraying caricatures. The sketch basically made fun the way Japanese people speak; and I consider that to be a very cheap and desperate way to get laughs from the audience. As said before with The Californians, this was not a great sketch at all.
"Weekend Update" also proved to not be very funny. Aside from two or three of Seth Meyers' jokes, nothing made me laugh. Nasim Pedrad's impression of Ariana Huffington just dragged and strongly lacked comedy. kenan Thompson's performance as his character "Jean k. Jean" wasn't hilarious either; and the writing wasn't inspired at all. Both Pedrad and Thompson weren't hilarious and their performances just came off as one-dimensional and tedious. Not a great "Weekend Update" at all.
The Greek Myths sketch could have been better. The voyagers being seduced by the sirens' crooning of popular tunes of the late 90s' wasn't entirely hilarious and the joke got a bit old. I will say that all the performances were good; especially Jason Sudeikis.' it was obvious that he was having fun during the sketch and his lines were very hilarious. As I said at the start of my live-blogging coverage, SNL is going to suffer a major loss when he leaves at some point during the season.
I liked seeing Jay Pharoah's principal character again. Pharoah has become a better comic performer and I'm happy to see him get more to do. Christina Applegate was funny as her character; and Kenan Thompson was alright. The writing was decent; but, in all honesty, the jokes involving Applegate's character got slightly predictable. But, once again, the performances of Applegate and Pharoah were pretty good.
The final sketch of the night, which involved Christina Applegate as a dance instructor, dragged a lot and suffered greatly from weak writing. Christina Applegate did the best she could to save the piece; but unfortunately, not much could be done to do so. The jokes were all repetitive and the jokes were predictable. A very weak way to close the show.
I will say that I did like the commercial spoof from earlier in the show that were making fun of the promos for "Taken 2" and "The Expandables 2." All the performers' exhibited great impressions and I liked seeing the trailers for these types of being spoofed. These movie trailer spoofs that SNL has been doing this season are very funny and they are becoming a good replacement for the Digital Shorts; which have ended now that Andy Samberg has left the show.
I will also say that Passion Pit were a good musical guest. While their first song was a tad light for my taste, their second performance was much more lively and more fun. In fact, the lead singer's voice during the second song sounded much better and more engaging than the first performance.
And that's it. Christina Applegate did a fine job tonight; but she was stuck with sketches that dragged and suffered from repetitive jokes and predictable scenarios. Those factors are greatly affecting the quality of SNL and I truly hope the writers get their act together for the rest of the season.
However, no matter what, I'm not very excited about next week's show. Musician Bruno Mars is going to be serving double duty as both the show's host and musical guest. I've never seen Bruno Mars act or partake in any interviews; so I have no idea how he'll do. In addition, I'm not a big fan of his music as the songs I have heard from him tend to have lyrics that are either too redundant or too flavorless.
And that concludes my live-blogging coverage for tonight's episode of "Saturday Night Live." Thank you all for following me and I look forward to posting my next big article sometime this week.
Thank you again and Good Night Everybody!
The jokes in this sketch are predictable and not-so-hilarious
Christina Applegate is doing what she can to save the sketch though
Passion Pit is performing again
I already like the sound of this song. This sounds more lively than their first one. This is more fun and the beat has abounce to it.
I'm happy to see Jay Pharoah get more to do on the show
He's really improved. I'm looking forward to seeing him do more as the season goes on.
Here's Jay Pharoah's principal character
He gives a good performance as this character. Christina Applegate is giving a good performance as well. Though the writing isn't great, it's passable
Jason Sudeikis is giving a good perforrmance; as well as everyone else
Though the jokes of this sketch is predictable and repetitive
Good to see Jason Jason Sudeikis starring in another sketch
Is the joke of this sketch going to involve popular songs from the 1990's?
Very lackluster installment of "Weekend Update"
With the exception of two or three of Seth Meyers' jokes, nothing was funny at all. Very forgettable "Weekend Update" this week.
The writing is weak. Kenan's performance is one-dimensional and lacks genuine comedy.
And it's the same thing over and over again.
And speak of repetitive segments, it's Kenan Thompson's reoccurring character Jean K. Jean
Everytime he does this sketch, it basically follows the same format
Aside from his first joke about Joe Biden, not-so-stellar jokes from Seth Meyers
And I'm starting to get a little tired of Nasim Pedrad's Ariana Huffington impression. She's done it quite a few times now; thus it's become repetitive.
Commercials now
With the exception of The Californians and Tech Talk, this has been a decent show so far.
Now it's just doing jokes based on Jappanese stereotypes
That's a cheap way to get laughs from the audience.
That was an abrupt ending
I'm not looking forward to seeing Bruno Mars next week. I have a feeling it's going to be a weak show. I hope SNL has some good hosts lined up for November.
This is Jason Sudeikis' fourth appearance tonight!
He's gotten a lot to do so far this episode. I had a feeling we'd be seeing him a lot tonight; seeing as he starred with Christina Applegate in 2011's "Hall Pass."
It's the Californians!
Even though this is only the third installment of this sketch, I'm already tired of it. It's basically the same concept everytime.
This turned out to be a creative monologue
With the Muppets knockoff and Jason Sudeikis' impression of Comedian Dane Cook
Musical monologue for tonight
For some reason I had a feeling there would be a musical monologue tonight
The writing in this opening is decent
Sudeikis is just a great sketch comedy performer. When he leaves, the show is going to suffer a grear loss
Jason Sudeikkis is always GREAT as Joe Biden
As soon as he starts talking, I just start laughing. His delivery is perfect
Reminder About Tonight
Beginning at 11:30pm, tune in for my live-blogging of tonight's "Saturday Night Live;" which will be hosted by Christina Applegate and Passion Pit will be the musical guest. I plan on commenting on the performances, the sketches, the writing, and anything else that comes to mind during the telecast.
As usual, feel free to comment on any of my thoughts. You can post your own thoughts by clicking the "comment" link underneath any of my posts. I enjoy hearing your own opinions and your feedback is very important.
Be sure to have your computers set to NBC by 11:30pm and have my blog on your computers, Keep refreshing your screens so you can see my latest comments. I look forward to an enjoyable night of comedy and blogging!
Thank you all for following me and I'll see you at 11:30pm!
As usual, feel free to comment on any of my thoughts. You can post your own thoughts by clicking the "comment" link underneath any of my posts. I enjoy hearing your own opinions and your feedback is very important.
Be sure to have your computers set to NBC by 11:30pm and have my blog on your computers, Keep refreshing your screens so you can see my latest comments. I look forward to an enjoyable night of comedy and blogging!
Thank you all for following me and I'll see you at 11:30pm!
Friday, October 12, 2012
Reminder About Tomorrow Night
Image of Christina Applegate and "Saturday Night Live" Castmember Jason Sudeikis taken from,r:15,s:0,i:127
Tomorrow evening, I will be live-blogging this week's new episode of "Saturday Night Live;" which will be hosted by Christina Applegate and Passion Pit will serve as the musical guest. As always, I will be commenting on the performances as well as all the writing of the sketches. Please feel free to comment on any of my posts; as your feedback means a lot.
In addition, I am working on my next big writing; which will be up sometime next week. I am taking my time because I want it to be very good.
So please stay tuned. Please be sure to have your televisions set to NBC by 11:30pm and have my blog on your computers. be sure to keep refreshing your screens so you can see my latest comments.
Thank you all and I'll see you tomorrow night!
Saturday, October 6, 2012
This was a weak show
I was expecting a well-written show for Daniel Craig. But alas, that was not the case. Daniel Craig was good; but he wasn't given much to do.
The opening debate sketch was well done. It was a creative take on the event and all the performances were good. I really like Jay Pharoah's impression of President Obama and I liked the idea of him being distracted by his wedding anniversary as well as being affected by the altitude. Jason Sudeikis was good as always as Mitt Romney; but I wish he was given more to do. Finally, it was great seeing Chris Parnell back again and I liked his performance as Jim Leher. Nice to see him open the show.
Daniel Craig's monologue was a creative idea, but the joke of seeing all the villains his film characters have killed getting the "in memoriam" treatment started to get a little repetitive. Craig gave a good performance though.
The construction workers sketch didn't really go anywhere. The joke of
Daniel Craig's character unable to successfully make passes at women grew old quickly. The performances were good though; and Jason Sudeikis gave me a small laugh as well. All in all, not a great sketch.
The MSNBC sketch was creative, but the writing could have been better. Cecily Strong did a good impression of Rachael Maddow and I thought that Kenan did alright as Al Sharpton. And even though I liked Jason Sudeikis' impression of Chris Matthews very much, I did miss Darrell Hammond; as his impression of Matthews was always was always hilarious due to his comically loud delivery.
The outer space sketch was very weak. Bobby Moynihan's character constantly talking about his cat got old extremely quick and his performance became slightly more annoying as the sketch went on. The ending wasn't funny at all and I wish that the writers had come up with a better sketch for the outer space setting. Daniel Craig did a good job playing the designated straightman.
"Weekend Update" wasn't terrible, but the writing was a little weak. Seth Meyers did have a few funny jokes; like his quips aimed at PBS and Vice President Joe Biden. His other jokes weren't great though.
With Big Bird being widely popular because of the debate, I wasn't too surprised to see the beloved children's character appear. The writing for the segment wasn't great at all and I feel that Big Bird was only on "Weekend Update" in order to get a positive reaction from the audience.
Kate McKinnon gave a good performance as her character and I laughed at some of her lines. But overall, the writing wasn't great and her segment did lull a bit. Though I will say that McKinnon is a good comedy performer and I hope she gets to do more this season.
The BBC television sketch featured good performances but slightly weak writing. I always like Bill Hader's British accents and his interactions with Daniel Craig's and Bobby Moynihan's characters were humorous. It also seems as if the writers were relying on the performers' accents to get laughs from the audience rather than coming up with memorable jokes. Good performances by everyone though.
The sketch in which Fred Armisen dressed up as a woman, for what seems like the millionth time since he's been on the show, wasn't funny at all. All the performances were bland and the entire sketch seemed like a rehash of previous sketches in which Armisen dressed up in drag. Daniel Craig did alright; but the material was extremely predictable. We all knew his character would be passionately in love with Armisen's character; and there were no surprises at all. Very unmemorable sketch.
All in all, a note-so-memorable show. Daniel Craig did alright with what he had; but he really wasn't given a lot of funny stuff to do. The biggest laughs from the evening came from the performances of Jay Pharoah (for the opening), Jason Sudeikis, and Kate McKinnon; the latter of whom is impressing me A LOT. She has a lot of potential and she was funny in everything she did tonight. Her impression of Ellen DeGenerous in the pre-taped James Bond commercial spoof was great and she is proving to be a good live performer.
As for Muse, they were alright, I guess. Their first song started out too mellow; and once the song picked up, it seemed like the lead singer, as well as the guitarists, were channeling U2. The lead singer sounded A LOT like Bono towards the end of the song. Muse's second performance, however, was much better. It sounded more lively and the lead singer had a more unique sound throughout.
And that's about it. Daniel Craig did alright, but he could have done more. This was easily the weakest of the first three shows of Season 38; but I have a feeling that Christina Applegate will have a much better show next week, She is a good comedic actress and I look forward to seeing her host.
That's it for tonight. Thank you all for following me and stay tuned for more Nater-Tainment!!!!
The opening debate sketch was well done. It was a creative take on the event and all the performances were good. I really like Jay Pharoah's impression of President Obama and I liked the idea of him being distracted by his wedding anniversary as well as being affected by the altitude. Jason Sudeikis was good as always as Mitt Romney; but I wish he was given more to do. Finally, it was great seeing Chris Parnell back again and I liked his performance as Jim Leher. Nice to see him open the show.
Daniel Craig's monologue was a creative idea, but the joke of seeing all the villains his film characters have killed getting the "in memoriam" treatment started to get a little repetitive. Craig gave a good performance though.
The construction workers sketch didn't really go anywhere. The joke of
Daniel Craig's character unable to successfully make passes at women grew old quickly. The performances were good though; and Jason Sudeikis gave me a small laugh as well. All in all, not a great sketch.
The MSNBC sketch was creative, but the writing could have been better. Cecily Strong did a good impression of Rachael Maddow and I thought that Kenan did alright as Al Sharpton. And even though I liked Jason Sudeikis' impression of Chris Matthews very much, I did miss Darrell Hammond; as his impression of Matthews was always was always hilarious due to his comically loud delivery.
The outer space sketch was very weak. Bobby Moynihan's character constantly talking about his cat got old extremely quick and his performance became slightly more annoying as the sketch went on. The ending wasn't funny at all and I wish that the writers had come up with a better sketch for the outer space setting. Daniel Craig did a good job playing the designated straightman.
"Weekend Update" wasn't terrible, but the writing was a little weak. Seth Meyers did have a few funny jokes; like his quips aimed at PBS and Vice President Joe Biden. His other jokes weren't great though.
With Big Bird being widely popular because of the debate, I wasn't too surprised to see the beloved children's character appear. The writing for the segment wasn't great at all and I feel that Big Bird was only on "Weekend Update" in order to get a positive reaction from the audience.
Kate McKinnon gave a good performance as her character and I laughed at some of her lines. But overall, the writing wasn't great and her segment did lull a bit. Though I will say that McKinnon is a good comedy performer and I hope she gets to do more this season.
The BBC television sketch featured good performances but slightly weak writing. I always like Bill Hader's British accents and his interactions with Daniel Craig's and Bobby Moynihan's characters were humorous. It also seems as if the writers were relying on the performers' accents to get laughs from the audience rather than coming up with memorable jokes. Good performances by everyone though.
The sketch in which Fred Armisen dressed up as a woman, for what seems like the millionth time since he's been on the show, wasn't funny at all. All the performances were bland and the entire sketch seemed like a rehash of previous sketches in which Armisen dressed up in drag. Daniel Craig did alright; but the material was extremely predictable. We all knew his character would be passionately in love with Armisen's character; and there were no surprises at all. Very unmemorable sketch.
All in all, a note-so-memorable show. Daniel Craig did alright with what he had; but he really wasn't given a lot of funny stuff to do. The biggest laughs from the evening came from the performances of Jay Pharoah (for the opening), Jason Sudeikis, and Kate McKinnon; the latter of whom is impressing me A LOT. She has a lot of potential and she was funny in everything she did tonight. Her impression of Ellen DeGenerous in the pre-taped James Bond commercial spoof was great and she is proving to be a good live performer.
As for Muse, they were alright, I guess. Their first song started out too mellow; and once the song picked up, it seemed like the lead singer, as well as the guitarists, were channeling U2. The lead singer sounded A LOT like Bono towards the end of the song. Muse's second performance, however, was much better. It sounded more lively and the lead singer had a more unique sound throughout.
And that's about it. Daniel Craig did alright, but he could have done more. This was easily the weakest of the first three shows of Season 38; but I have a feeling that Christina Applegate will have a much better show next week, She is a good comedic actress and I look forward to seeing her host.
That's it for tonight. Thank you all for following me and stay tuned for more Nater-Tainment!!!!
We are back
with a prerecorded commercial spoof.
They did something like this during the season premier. This was funny. But it was basically just a rehas
They did something like this during the season premier. This was funny. But it was basically just a rehas
Muse is up again
I already like this song better than their first one. It's more lively and the lead singer's voice sounds better here.
This is avery weak sketch
The writing is poor. The performances are bland. I feel bad for Daniel Craig. He's a good actor and he's being subjected to this very weak sketch.
Just very disappointing.
Just very disappointing.
Next sketch is coming up
Fred Armisen in drag....AGAIN!!!!!
Why is it that the writers have him dress up as a woman a lot. He's been doing this A LOT these past few seasons. Easy way to get a lugh from the audience, I guess.
Why is it that the writers have him dress up as a woman a lot. He's been doing this A LOT these past few seasons. Easy way to get a lugh from the audience, I guess.
I feel like Daniel Craig has been unde-used tonight
He hasn't been given a lot of funny stuff to do tonight. Aside from the construction workers sketch, he's mostly played straight men tonight.
The cast has been doing well; especially Kate McKinnon.
The cast has been doing well; especially Kate McKinnon.
BBC parody. I hope this is good.
I think this sketch is just going to be making fun of British accents
Not a terrible installment of "Weekend Update"
I feel as if the writers could have been done more for Big Bird's segment as well as McKinnon's. Seems like they tried relying on Big Bird's surprise presence on the show to get a positive reaction from the croud.
Kate McKinnon has been doing very well tonight
I think that SNL is trying to make her be the new female lead.
She's a good performer; but I just wish the writing was better.
She's a good performer; but I just wish the writing was better.
The song sound a little bit now
The slowly increasing guitar playing is good. But I will admit that, at this point, the song sounds like one of U2's songs from the 1980s.
The lead singer seemed to channel Bono towards the end of the song.
The lead singer seemed to channel Bono towards the end of the song.
This song is hard to get into
I'm waiting for it to pick up. But I think it's a little too mellow for my taste.
Now it's gotten bad. I don't like this at all
This isn't funny at all. The writing is below par. And that was a poor ending
Moynihan's performance is alright
but I wish they could have gone a different way with this sketch. I blame the writing. As usual
Looks like Bobby Moynihan is going to have a new character
The joke has already gotten old. The outer space setting is creative; but they could do this character in any setting.
This isn't a bad parody
Kate McKinnon has been doing well tonight. Her performance in that Medium sketch and her impressions are very good
They've been doing a lot of pre-taped commercial spoofs this season so far
I guess these are meant to be the substitutes for the digital short.
I do like Jason Sudeikis' portrayal though. He has the voice down.
Kenan's Al Sharpton impression is alright. The writing is alright so far as well
This could be good a parody of MSNBC
Kenan as Al Sharpton. But I'm a little disappointed that Darell Hammond is not there to play Chris Matthews. His portrayal of him was always hilarious
Christina Applegate should be good. I liked when she hosted back in May 1993.
Commercials are up now.
I like that they are giving Daniel Craig a chance to play James Bond in a sketch
I always find Fred Armisen's exaggerated impression of Penny Marshall humorous. I
IAn In Memorium for all the villiabs that were killed by Daniel Craig's characters
Guy who got in his way.
Very creative monologue
Very creative monologue
Pharoah's been giving good performances this year
And I always like Jason Sudeikis' impression of Mitt Romney.
This is an interesting take on the debate-- President Obama being distracted by his 20th Anniversary
This is an interesting take on the debate-- President Obama being distracted by his 20th Anniversary
It's Almost That Time
In just a little over two hours, my live-blogging coverage of "Saturday Night Live" will begin. Make sure your televisions are set to NBC by 11:30pm and have my blog on your computers.
Make sure you keep refreshing your screens so that you can see my latest opinions on the episode's writing and performances. Feel free to share your own comments by clicking the "comment" link underneath all of my posts. Your feedback means a lot and I thank you all for following my blog.
So stay tuned. I'll see you at showtime!
Make sure you keep refreshing your screens so that you can see my latest opinions on the episode's writing and performances. Feel free to share your own comments by clicking the "comment" link underneath all of my posts. Your feedback means a lot and I thank you all for following my blog.
So stay tuned. I'll see you at showtime!
Reminder About Tonight
Image of (from left to right) "Saturday Night Live" Castmember Taran Killam and Guest Host Daniel Craig taken from,r:10,s:0,i:109
Tonight beginning at 11:30pm, I will be live-blogging this week's episode of "Saturday Night Live;" which will feature Guest Host Daniel Craig and Musical Guest Muse. It's been two weeks since the last episode, so I'm excited to be blogging again.
Throughout the show, I will be posting my opinions about the writing of the sketches, the performances of the cast, Daniel Craig, and Muse. And, as usual, I will ending my coverage with a brief review of the episode.
Feel free to share your opinions about the sketches by clicking on the "comment" link underneath every one of my posts. Your feedback means a lot and I look forward to hearing your own thoughts.
So be sure to have your televisions set to NBC by 11:30pm and have my blog up on your computers. Be sure to keep refreshing your screens so you can see my latest comments.
Thank you all and I'll see you at 11:30pm!
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Coming Soon to My Blog: October 2012 Edition
Well, it's the middle of the first week of October 2012, and you know what that means: time for a preview of what I have in store for the next few weeks. This is going to be a busy month; as I plan on posting a some good writings for your reading enjoyment. Here is what I have in store for you all:
- More live-blogging of NBC's “Saturday Night Live.” The long-running variety show will have a new episode this week and it will be hosted by “James Bond” Star Daniel Craig; who will be joined by Muse as the evening's musical guest. Throughout the show I will be commenting on the sketches, all the performances, and anything else that comes to mind. Then on October 13th, “Saturday Night Live” will be hosted by Christina Applegate; who will be joined by Musical Guest Passion Pit. Finally, on October 20th, Recording Artist Bruno Mars will be serving double-duty as the show's host and musical guest. This episode I pan on being more critical than usual; as I've never seen him act before. I'm looking forward to live-blogging and writing reviews for these shows and I'm truly hoping that we get some great sketches.
Image of (from top to bottom) Daniel Craig, Christina Appelgate, and Bruno Mars taken from,r:6,s:0,i:99&tx=131&ty=93
- More reviews of the final season of “The Office.” As the series winds down, I will be posting mini-reviews for select episodes. And when the season is halfway-over, I'll be sharing my thoughts regarding how the series is winding down. I'm hoping that we get a decent farewell for the series.
3, Some special articles that outline my opinions towards specific topics; such as the state of NBC's current sitcoms as well as a look at some upcoming animated films that spark my interest.
And More!
So stay tuned. The upcoming weeks are going to be very thrilling for all of you. So please keep visiting my blog for new writings. Thank you all for following me and stay tuned fore more Nater-Tainment!
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