I was expecting a well-written show for Daniel Craig. But alas, that was not the case. Daniel Craig was good; but he wasn't given much to do.
The opening debate sketch was well done. It was a creative take on the event and all the performances were good. I really like Jay Pharoah's impression of President Obama and I liked the idea of him being distracted by his wedding anniversary as well as being affected by the altitude. Jason Sudeikis was good as always as Mitt Romney; but I wish he was given more to do. Finally, it was great seeing Chris Parnell back again and I liked his performance as Jim Leher. Nice to see him open the show.
Daniel Craig's monologue was a creative idea, but the joke of seeing all the villains his film characters have killed getting the "in memoriam" treatment started to get a little repetitive. Craig gave a good performance though.
The construction workers sketch didn't really go anywhere. The joke of
Daniel Craig's character unable to successfully make passes at women grew old quickly. The performances were good though; and Jason Sudeikis gave me a small laugh as well. All in all, not a great sketch.
The MSNBC sketch was creative, but the writing could have been better. Cecily Strong did a good impression of Rachael Maddow and I thought that Kenan did alright as Al Sharpton. And even though I liked Jason Sudeikis' impression of Chris Matthews very much, I did miss Darrell Hammond; as his impression of Matthews was always was always hilarious due to his comically loud delivery.
The outer space sketch was very weak. Bobby Moynihan's character constantly talking about his cat got old extremely quick and his performance became slightly more annoying as the sketch went on. The ending wasn't funny at all and I wish that the writers had come up with a better sketch for the outer space setting. Daniel Craig did a good job playing the designated straightman.
"Weekend Update" wasn't terrible, but the writing was a little weak. Seth Meyers did have a few funny jokes; like his quips aimed at PBS and Vice President Joe Biden. His other jokes weren't great though.
With Big Bird being widely popular because of the debate, I wasn't too surprised to see the beloved children's character appear. The writing for the segment wasn't great at all and I feel that Big Bird was only on "Weekend Update" in order to get a positive reaction from the audience.
Kate McKinnon gave a good performance as her character and I laughed at some of her lines. But overall, the writing wasn't great and her segment did lull a bit. Though I will say that McKinnon is a good comedy performer and I hope she gets to do more this season.
The BBC television sketch featured good performances but slightly weak writing. I always like Bill Hader's British accents and his interactions with Daniel Craig's and Bobby Moynihan's characters were humorous. It also seems as if the writers were relying on the performers' accents to get laughs from the audience rather than coming up with memorable jokes. Good performances by everyone though.
The sketch in which Fred Armisen dressed up as a woman, for what seems like the millionth time since he's been on the show, wasn't funny at all. All the performances were bland and the entire sketch seemed like a rehash of previous sketches in which Armisen dressed up in drag. Daniel Craig did alright; but the material was extremely predictable. We all knew his character would be passionately in love with Armisen's character; and there were no surprises at all. Very unmemorable sketch.
All in all, a note-so-memorable show. Daniel Craig did alright with what he had; but he really wasn't given a lot of funny stuff to do. The biggest laughs from the evening came from the performances of Jay Pharoah (for the opening), Jason Sudeikis, and Kate McKinnon; the latter of whom is impressing me A LOT. She has a lot of potential and she was funny in everything she did tonight. Her impression of Ellen DeGenerous in the pre-taped James Bond commercial spoof was great and she is proving to be a good live performer.
As for Muse, they were alright, I guess. Their first song started out too mellow; and once the song picked up, it seemed like the lead singer, as well as the guitarists, were channeling U2. The lead singer sounded A LOT like Bono towards the end of the song. Muse's second performance, however, was much better. It sounded more lively and the lead singer had a more unique sound throughout.
And that's about it. Daniel Craig did alright, but he could have done more. This was easily the weakest of the first three shows of Season 38; but I have a feeling that Christina Applegate will have a much better show next week, She is a good comedic actress and I look forward to seeing her host.
That's it for tonight. Thank you all for following me and stay tuned for more Nater-Tainment!!!!
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