Thursday, May 26, 2011

Coming Soon to My Blog....

Here are a list of events that you can all look forward to seeing on my blog following the Memorial Day Weekend! In the coming weeks I plan to have for your reading enjoyment....

1. An in-depth review of "The Hangover Part II." I will be seeing this sure-to-be-hilarious comedy blockbuster this weekend; so you can expect it to be on my blog by the end of next week.

2. Live-blogging coverage of this year's MTV Movie Awards on June 5 starting at 8:00pm. This is going be really intense as I plan to be commenting on who wins, who loses and which movie MTV viewers picked to be Best Film. (SPOILER ALERT: It's most likely going to be "The Twilight Saga: Eclipse". Thanks a lot MTV. The ceremony hasn't even taken place yet and I already know the winner!!!!)

3. A review of "X-Men First Class." (After I see it, of course)

4. Mini-reviews of Saturday Night Live repeats from this past season.

And Much, Much More! So, everybody enjoy your Memorial Day Weekend! And I promise you all that this summer is going to be filled with a TON of Nater-Tainment!!!! Have a great holiday weekend everybody!

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1 comment:

  1. Well Nate, I do look forward to the review of the MTV Twilight/Beiber Awards oh sorry the MTV Movie Awards.

    I may eventually end up watching the Hangover: Part II eventually on DVD when it comes out.
