Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Blogging Update

I apologize for the lack of updates.  I wasn't feeling very well for a while: so I was unable to blog unfortunately.  I'm feeling much better; but I will be going away tomorrow and won't be back until Sunday evening.

Sometime next week, I will be posting a brief writing that comments on the most recent "Saturday Night Live" episode as well as some of my thoughts about this season as a whole.  So be on the look out for that.

I apologize once again for the lack of updates.  Please stay tuned; because I will be having some writings available to you all in the coming weeks.  So thank you all for your patience and stay tuned for more Nater-Tainment!  Have a good weekend! 

Saturday, April 13, 2013

I'm VERY DISAPPOINTED by the poor quality of the writing this episode

Everyone did fine with their performances.  But the show suffered due to bad writing.

I look forward to posting a review on my blog Monday night.

Thank you all for following me tonight and stay tuned for my review.  Good night everybody!

I REALLY wish SNL would stop rehashing sketches

They are funny together though the writing wasn't great.   The ending was slightly different though.

McKinnon and Vaughn are acting well together

Though this sketch is, so far, basically a rehash of the first installment.

So Kate McKinnon now has a new reoccurring character

She did this sketch when Louis CK hosted this past November.  I had a feeling it would become reoccurring.

The writing hasn't been very good tonight

The performances of Vince Vaughn and the cast have improved the quality though.  Still, the writing is DEFINITELY poor.

I'm not very crazy about this musical guest

That performance was all over the place

Maguel is on now

This song is alright, but he's not my favorite ,usical guest of the season so far.

Now we are back

We are not back yet

Sorry about that early post

We are back

The perfornances in this sketch are good

Sudeikis and Robinson work well together and Vince Vaughn, Kenan Thompson, and Nasim Pedrad also did well as the straight roles in the sketch.

If only the writing was better.

The commercials are on now.

Robinson is giving a decent performance

Though the writing isn't great at all.  Sudeikis and Robinson are interacting well together though.

This looks like it could be good

Good to see featured player Tim Robinson in a main role.

We are back

Next sketch is coming up

Terrible writing for this sketch

I just think the writers are basically phoning in at this time.  There's hardly any effort at all by the writers anymore.  It's a shame.

Commercials are on now.

Vince Vaughn is giving a good performance

The the joke of him playing a rich man wanting to dance with a young kid is kind of silly. 

This could be good

Good to see Vince Vaughn in the lead role of the sketch

We are back with the next sketch

Next sketch is coming up

Commercials are on now

Kate McKinnon basically did what she could with that segment

The writing for her was just very bad.  The writing tonight isn;t great at all.  The cast and Vince Vaughn are basically doing whatever they can to improve the quality of the sketches.  The writing isn't very good at all.

Most of Seth Meyers' jokes aren't great at all

Meyers just seems to be waddling through the weak writing at this point.

Kenan Thompson's impression of LL Cool J isn'is alright

But his chemistry with Sudeikis great.  Both of them are just doing what they can with the weak material.

Kenan Thompson and Jason Sudeikis aregood together

Their performances are improving the quality of the writing

Aside from his Kim Jong Un joke, his jokes haven't been that great tonight

Not a bad Kim Jong Un joke by Seth Meyers

We are back with "Weekend Update"

Commercials are on now

"Weekend Update" is coming up next

Not a terrible performance

But not that memorable in all honesty

There are times during this song that the music is drowning out his voice

The musis isn't that amazing either. 

Though I like the guitar work here.

I've hever heard this guy's music before

This guy has kind of a generic sound though. 

We are back with Maguel

Miguel's first performance is coming up

This was funny

Though I think Bill Hader was the best part of the sketch.  Everyone was good, but he was the funniest.

Bill Hader is practically losing it now

The performances in this sketch are good

Though the joke is kind of obvious though. 

Short-Term Memory Loss

This could be interesting

We are back!

Next sketch is coming up

Wow! Zach Galifianakis is going to be hosting May 4

He's been good both times he's been on

Commercials are on now.

This sketch is probably Fred Armisen's best performance of the season

Everyone is doing well though

The performances in this sketch are improving the quality of the writing

The segment is going a bit too long though

That was a funny ending

This commercial spoof is a good parody of British punk music

This is a good parody of the weather channel

Everyone is giving good performances. 

Vince Vaughn and Cecily Strong are doing well

As is Taran Killam. 

This is funny so far

Weather Channel soap opera

This seems like a creative sketch

We are back!

Next sketch is coming up

Bill Hader is good as always

This was good.

And now, commercials.

I always enjoy Bill Hader's Al Pichino impression

This is a creative commercial spoof.

I'm enjoying this

This is fun and I'm hoping the sketches are good

I like this monologue

It's very casual and a nice break from all the musical monologues that have been going on this season

I'm glad the writers are letting Vince Vaughn basically do his own thing for his monologue

This is a creative idea for a monologue

He's a very dynamic performer

This should be good

He's back afteralmost fifteen years

I hope Vince Vaughn gets good sketches tonight

That was a very quick opening with an abrupt ending

Not terrible, but not amazing. The fault lies with the poor quality of the writing.

They are the funniest people on the show now

Bill Hader and Jason Sudeikis are doing what they could with the material

The writing's alright, but not amazing

Jay Pharoah as President Obama

His impression is always good

And we are Live....NOW!!!!

It's Getting to that Time

At 11:30pm, my live-blogging coverage of "Saturday Night Live" will begin.  I will be commenting on the sketches, the performances, the writing, and anything else that comes to mind during the show.  And by Monday night, I will be posting a review of the show that outlines my opinions in more detail.

Be sure to have your televisions set to NBC by 11:30pm and have my blog on your computers.  Be sure to keep refreshing your computer screens so you see my latest comments.  Feel free to respond to any of my posts by clicking the "comment" link underneath and of my viewpoints.  Your feedback means a lot and I look forward to seeing your opinions.

So thank you all for following my blog and I'll see you at 11:30pm!

A "That's Nater-Tainment!" Special Report: Vince Vaughn Hosts "Saturday Night Live" for his Second Time Tonight!

“Saturday Night Live” is experiencing a significant case of weak writing. With the exception of Justin Timberlake's episode this past March, every show to air in 2013 so far has featured uninteresting sketches, a reliance on juvenile humor in attempt to acquire easy laughs from the audience, and premises that go nowhere. Talented hosts have had their talents being wasted by playing one-dimensional characters that spew out ridiculous lines that aren't funny at all. And the show's cast have been doing whatever they can to improve the quality of the sketches through their performances. However, due to the immensely poor writing, there is not much they can do in order to save the show; other than put on a brave face and make do with the roles they are given. And with only four shows left in the season, one of which airs tonight, I don't expect things to get a lot better.

I have mixed feelings about this week's episode. On one hand, the very funny and engaging Vince Vaughn is taking the stage for his second time. His first time on the long-running variety series was on December 5th, 1998. Back then, I remember Vince Vaughn having good chemistry with the “Saturday Night Live” cast; especially Will Ferrell. Particularly in one sketch, which featured Vaughn and Ferrell as employees at a company that specializes in toys for household cats. I remember Vaughn holding a implement that was equipped with a rubber mouse on a string in front of Ferrell's character, who was repeatedly batting at the latex toy in humorous feline fashion. I also remember, for his monologue, Vaughn played straightman to Castmember Darrell Hammond, who was impressively portraying the late Alfred Hitchcock, and discussing the actor's involvement in the 1998 remake of “Psycho.” Vaughn interacted well with Hammond during the monologue; which went forward in a nice, brisk manner. Vince Vaughn did well when he hosted in 1998, and now he returns to host again after almost fifteen years.

Since he's previously hosted, Vince Vaughn has been in a good number of movies; including 2006's “The Break-Up”, which he starred in with Jennifer Aniston, 2011's “The Dilemma”, which so-starred Kevin James, as well as last year's “The Watch”; which united the actor with Ben Stiller, who starred alongside him in 2004's “Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story.” However, it was 2003's “Old School” and 2005's “Wedding Crashers” that showcases the actor at his most humorous. In all honesty, who can forget 2003's “Old School”, in which Luke Wilson, Will Ferrell, and Vaughn played three friends who, restless with the current state of their lives, try to relive their college days by starting a college fraternity. All three had great chemistry, and Vaughn played his role of “Bernard Beanie Campbell”, an own of a popular electronic store franchise who was also a husband and father, with keen witticism and energy. Vaughn followed his performance in “Old School” with perhaps one of his most successful roles: womanizer “Jeremy Grey” in 2005's “Wedding Crashers.” Co-starring with Vaughn was Owen Wilson; who played Grey's best friend and co-worker “John Beckwith.” Vaughn and Wilson's characters were skilled at attending weddings they weren't invited to getting women to sleep with them; and eventually find themselves in over their heads when the latter's character falls for Rachel McAdams' “Claire Cleary”; the daughter of “United States Secretary of the Treasury William Cleary”; played by Christopher Walken. While Owen Wilson did very well as the film's central protagonist, it was Vince Vaughn who gave the film's funniest performance as “Jeremy Grey”; particularly whenever interacting with Isla Fisher's emotionally unstable “Gloria Cleary”; the younger sister of McAdams' character. Watching Vaughn react as his character in such a perplexed manner Fisher's romantically-intense was hilarious in many scenes; particularly a very humorous sinner table scene featuring all the characters. And, when Vaughn's character realizes that he's in love with Fisher's on-screen persona, the actor is great as he goes on a grainy-yet-honest spiel to the family's priest in a very hilarious scene. Vince Vaughn continuously grabs the audience's attention throughout the film; due to his impeccable comedic timing and genuine charisma. Simply put, Vince Vaughn's performance in “Wedding Crashers” is truly memorable and my absolute favorite of his.

Image of Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn in "Wedding Crashers" taken from

And now, we come to tonight's episode of “Saturday Night Live.” I'm looking forward to seeing Vince Vaughn take the stage once again on NBC's long-running variety program. While I have no doubt that Vaughn will give a memorable performance as the show's host, it is the writing that has me worried. So, in hopes that tonight's show is memorable, I have come up with two ideas:

  1. Keep away from one-not reoccurring characters, This season, we have seen many characters that aren't funny at all and rely on bad catch-phrases and jokes that go on and on. Look at Castmember Bobby Moynihan's reoccurring character “Drunk Uncle”; which was brought out last week on “Weekend Update”. The whole bit just dragged; even though “Game of Thrones” star Peter Dinklage was brought out as a special guest. Look at the somehow-popular reoccurring sketch “The Californians.” The joke of coastal misfits spitting unintelligible directions in an over-the-top Californian accent and repeatedly sporting ridiculous facial expressions and constantly crowding around a mirror isn't funny at all and just drags until the sketch ends. There are other reoccurring character sketches that drag endlessly without any genuine humor that have taken place throughout the season, but I'm not going into more detail. If the writers of “Saturday Night Live” come up with intelligent sketches that truly allow Vince Vaughn to give a memorably hilarious performance, then I'm sure it could be a lot of fun.
  1. Bring in a special guest or two that could play a memorable role in a sketch. With Vince Vaughn hosting, there is potential for an unexpected guest or two. For instance, seeing as Vaughn as well as "Saturday Night Live" Castmember Jason Sudeikis have starred alongside Owen Wilson-- (the latter starred with Wilson in 2011's “Hall Pall”)-- it would be great if he made a cameo at some point tonight. Seeing all three together in a sketch would be a lot of fun and is sure to be very funny. In addition, it would be great if Will Ferrell would make an appearance as well; leading to probably the most star-studded segment to be featured on SNL this season since Justin Timberlake's monologue from this past March. In other words, I just want a truly memorable and fun show that doesn't let Vince Vaughn's talents go to waste.
So there you go. Hopefully tonight's show is a good one and helps improve the quality of this season of “Saturday Night Live.” And beginning at 11:30pm, I will be blogging the show live; commenting on the sketches, the performances, the writing, and anything else that comes to mind during the show. And by Monday night at the latest, I will be posting a review that outlines my opinions in more detail.

So be sure to have your televisions set to NBC by 11:30pm and have my blog on your computers. Be sure to keep refreshing your computer screens so you can see my latest comments during the show show. Feel free to share your own thoughts by clicking the “comment” link underneath any of my posts. Your feedback means a lot and I look forward to seeing your opinions.

Thank you all for following my blog and I'll see you at 11:30pm!

Friday, April 12, 2013

This Weekend, I Will Be Live-Blogging "Saturday Night Live"

Image of "Saturday Night Live" Castmember Bobby Moynihan and Vince Vaughn taken from,r:16,s:0,i:137

Don't miss my live-blogging coverage of this week's episode of "Saturday Night Live"; which will feature Guest Host Vince Vaughn and Musical Guest Miguel.  Beginning at 11:30pm tomorrow night, I will be commenting on the sketches, the performances, the writing, as well as anything else that comes to mind during the telecast.

Before 11:30pm tomorrow night, I will be posting some concerns that are currently running through my mind regarding this week's episode.  I have enjoyed Vince Vaughn's performances in films, particularly 2003's "Old School", and, of course, the 2005 R-rated comedy hit "Wedding Crashers." While I'm sure Vince Vaughn will give amusing performances throughout the episode, the overall poor quality of the writing for "Saturday Night Live" has made me slightly unsure about how the sketches will unfold.  So, before 11:30pm, I will be posting some pre-show thoughts, then I will be live-blogging the show as usual.  And by sometime Monday night at the latest, I will be posting a full review of the episode that outlines my opinions in more detail.

So don't miss my coverage of tomorrow night's episode of "Saturday Night Live" tomorrow night.  Be sure to have your televisions set to NBC and have my blog on your computers.  Be sure to keep refreshing your computer screens so you can see my latest comments.  Feel free to respond to any of my posts by clicking the "comment" link underneath.  Your feedback means a lot and I look forward to seeing your opinions.

So stay tuned and I'll see you tomorrow night by 11:30pm!

Monday, April 8, 2013

"Saturday Night Live" Episode Review: Melissa McCarthy / Phoenix

Well, this was a disappointment. As I enjoyed Melissa McCarthy's first hosting stint on “Saturday Night Live” last season, I was dismayed to see, for the most part, a very mediocre show. While I enjoyed seeing McCarthy play a variety of different character this past season, it was disappointing to see her portray variations of the same character in almost every sketch. What's more, almost every sketch was poorly written and dragged on and on. It seemed as if the writers simply came up with the simplest premises and just relied on Melissa McCarthy's performances to improve the quality of the show. Unfortunately, McCarthy ended up taking the spotlight away from most of the show's castmembers; causing them to be relegated to simply reacting to the antics of her various characters. In other words, last night's show was hard to watch:

Cold Opening: Kim Jong Un's C-Span Address

This was a bad way to start off the show. I've never been a fan of these C-Span cold openings that features a voice-over translation. I'm also not finding Bobby Moynihan's portrayal of Kim Jong Un. There wasn't anything funny about this opening, and the voice-over translation wasn't funny at all. All of the sexual “jokes” weren't funny at all and the poor writing caused this opening to drag on. In addition, Dennis Rodman's surprise appearance felt tacked on and wasn't funny at all. Though I will say I liked his enthusiastic delivery of the iconic phrase “Live from New York...”. However, in all honesty, this was one of the worst cold openings of the season.

Melissa McCarthy's “Monologue”

This was just all over the place. All this consisted of was McCarthy just rambling inconsistantly and performing some ridiculous acts of physical comedy. It seemed as if the writers couldn't come up with much material at all and simply told her to ab-lib. I will say Taran Killam's brief dance numbers were an interesting addition, but sadly, McCarthy's “performance” just dragged on. Overall, a very weak “monologue.”

Sketch: ESPN Basketball Report

This was hardly funny at all either. Despite Bill Hader's performance as the show's host, this wasn't very funny. All this sketch basically consisted of was Melissa McCarthy portraying an abrasive coach that spent all her time cursing at the college basketball players. I did get a slight chuckle out of Jay Pharoah's facial reactions as his characterwho became terrified of McCarthy's coach character following a confrontation that had got out of hand. This was a very weak sketch and, like the first parts of the show, it just wasn't very humorous at all.

Sketch: “The Voice”

Now this wasn't bad. It's nice to see “Saturday Night Live” do a spoof of the high-rated NBC reality competition. Taran Killam's Carson Daly impression was alright; though he didn't get a lot of great lines. Melissa McCarthy gave a decent performance as her character; though the joke of her being not that great of a singer was a tad predictable. I did like the castmembers' impressions of the judges; particularly Kate McKinnon's humorous portrayal of Shakira-- complete with an over-the-top Spanish accent-- as well as Jay Pharoah's Usher amusing depiction of Usher. The comedian even managed to perfectly mimic the musician's manner of singing his words. In addition, Jason Sudeikis was very funny as Blake Shelton; right down to humorously imitating the singer's country accent. Bill Hader was quite amusing with his soft-voiced portrayal of Adam Levine as well. Kenan Thompson's impression of Cee-Lo Green was also funny, though I felt the sketch ended a tad too abruptly. Overall, this was a decent sketch and probably one of the better ones to be featured in this week's episode.

Sketch: Ham Cook-Off 2013

Now here is one of my least favorite sketches of the episode. Though the idea of a cook-off presentation was an interesting idea for a sketch, the entire execution could have been better. The concept of Melissa McCarthy's character wanting to do a musical introduction to her ham entry was creative. And while I will say that McCarthy gave a decent performance though her dancing, I will say that the sketch went on a bit too long. And, while I did get a chuckle out of Kenan Thompson's judge simply saying that McCarthy's character placed seventh in cook-off all the way after her big introduction, I did feel that the overall ending was tacked on. In all honesty, the entire sketch seemed like the writers giving McCarthy a free pass to do whatever she wanted for the entire duration. And thus, while she did alright overall, I feel that there could have been more of a story structure. In other words, this sketch could have been much better.

Weekend Update

Remember just how short Weekend Update was during Justin Timberlake's show last month. And because it was brief and only featured one update segment, which happened to be a visit from Bill Hader's popular reoccurring character Stefon, it probably ended up being the best edition of the season. Well, this week's edition of Update was just the opposite: a never-ending string of no-so-great segments. First of all, only a couple of Seth Meyers' jokes were funny; particularly his quips about Tax Day and Sesame Street's Ernie and Bert. Then we had the a total of THREE featured segments. First, Vanessa Bayer brought back her reoccurring character “Jacob the Bar Mitzvah Boy”; which she previously portrayed this past December during Martin Short's show. The writing for the segment wasn't great; though I did get one or two chuckles out of the family roast jokes of Bayer's character. The next segment was the return of Kenan Thompson's Charles Barkley impression. The writing for the segment wasn't great at all; though I do still find Thompson's upbeat delivery as Barkley to be slightly humorous. However, it was the return of Bobby Moynihan's somehow popular reoccurring character “Drunk Uncle” that really annoyed me. This character has been run into the ground so much, that I just about pray for the segment to conclude. The only laugh I got from Moynihan's character was how arrived to the desk sing a Tax Day variant of the theme song for the television series “The Facts of Life”-- “The Tax of Life.” After that, I didn't get any laughs from Moynihan's character at all; as his rambling wasn't funny at all and just dragged the segment along. Though I will say that the surprise appearance of Peter Dinklage from HBO's “Game of Thrones” as the equally-drunk brother-in-law of Moynihan's “Drunk Uncle” (“Peter Drunklage”). Dinklage's mimicking of “Drunk Uncle”'s slurred speech was humorous; and the actor's appearance improved the quality of the segment to rise just a bit. Nevertheless, this was one edition of “Weekend Update” that went on Way Too Long.

Sketch: Million Dollar Wheel

And... this was another one of my least favorite sketches of the night. Usually, when “Saturday Night Live” spoofs well-known game shows, ion this case... “Wheel of Fortune,” the result is usually quite humorous. This wasn't the case. The basic joke of Melissa McCarthy's “Vanna White”-esque character revealing the hidden letters of a certain phrase, wasn't funny at all. McCarthy's performance was a tad-over-the-top-- though I did slightly grin when hearing her high-pitched voice for the first time when she first spoke. I also didn't find McCarthy running back-and-forth revealing the rest of the letters to be funny at all. The only things I chuckled at were Bill Hader's straightman performance as the game show host as well as Fred Armisen's contestant character guessing the wrong answer when the phrase was revealed. This was just a poor sketch,

Sketch: Pizza Loan

I have very mixed feelings about this sketch. First of all, I just want to say that McCarthy's character in this seemed to blend together with her persona during the ham cook-off sketch from earlier in the show. I think she even used the same voice. That being said, McCarthy gave a decent performance as an applicant who wanted money for starting a business where she rides around town while eating pizzas; while getting paid to do so, Unfortunately, the writing for her character was completely ridiculous. However, I did enjoy Jason Sudeikis' performance as the designated straightman of the sketch-- being the bank worker faced with McCarthy's character. I will also say that McCarthy and Sudeikis played off each other very well; right down to the part where his character had an outburst when her character kept handing him a pen to sign for the loan. Their pairing up was amusing; so much so, that I wish that the writers had created a better sketch for them to partake in. In fact, I really wish the writers had come up with better opportunities for McCarthy and the cast to play off each other. Most of the sketches this past Saturday primarily reduced the castmembers to simply reacting to McCarthy; who got to do all the comedy. Part of what made her first hosting stint so great was that the cast and McCarthy each got the chance to do very funny things. This time, however, it was only McCarthy who got opportunities to be funny. And because of this, the show suffered significantly this past Saturday. I was hoping for a great showcase of McCarthy and the cast. Boy, was I disappointed by this show.

Sketch: The Art of the Encounter

This wasn't too bad for a closing sketch, though it wasn't very funny. Kate McKinnon and Cecily Strong were alright as the the hosts of this self-help commercial parody and they both got a some good lines. Taran Killam and McCarthy worked very well together during their conversation segments; and I liked how awkward their conversations became. I did like the cereal interplay and their final conversation wasn't bad at all. I did get a brief laugh out of Bobby Moynihan's and Tim Robinson's appearances at the end of the segment as the dates of Strong's and McKinnon's characters. Overall, not a bad closing sketch, but it wasn't that memorable.

All in all, I am disappointed how this past episode went. I feel that, while Melissa McCarthy is funny, she needs good writing to strengthen her performances. If given an interesting character with a well-developed personality, like her character “Megan” in “Bridesmaids,” Melissa McCarthy can be very funny. However, if given a character like any of those she was given this past Saturday, then her performance can appear one-dimensional and only be improved through her performances. But no matter how hard she tries, her overall performance relies on the writing. And this most recent episode of “Saturday Night Live” featured hardly any creative or genuinely laugh-out-loud writing. If this is the type of writing that we'll be seeing for the remainder of the season, then I feel bad for whoever is going to be hosting these final shows. And you can bet that worry for Vince Vaughn; who's returning to host for a second time this weekend, his first time being in 1998-- back when a certain someone named Will Ferrell was a castmember. Seeing as I'm a big fan of Vaughn's performances in comedies like “Old School” and “Wedding Crashers,” I pray for good sketches this weekend.

As for Phoenix, I enjoyed their performances this past weekend. Both their songs had good melodies and the lead singer has a good voice. I enjoyed their performances so much, that I would like to hear all the other songs on their new album.

And that's my review. Thank you so much for your patience and following my blog. Have a great night and stay tuned for more Nater-Tainment!

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Well, that's the show.

Thank you for following my blog tonight.  I'll hopefully have my review of the show up on my blog by tomorrow night.

Thank you again and have a good night everybody!

That wasn't funny at all

This was a very weak show tonight.  Hopefully Vince Vaughn gets good sketches next week.

This just wasn't very funny tonight.

We are back

Vanessa Bayer and Kate McKinnon are doing alright with the material they have been giving.

Taran Killam and Melissa McCarthy aren't being given great materail as well.

This is a weak closing sketch.  This show hasn't been great at all.  Not even Melissa McCarthy was able to save it tonight.

Commericals are on now

I like the melody of this song

They play their instruments in an interesting manner.  They just have a good sound.

I like the sound this song by Phoenix as well

This is a good band.  I liked their music when they appeared back in 2009 as well.

We are back with Phoenix

I REALLY liked Melissa McCarthy's first episode better than this one

The writing has basically been nonexistant in this episode.

My guess is the writers just handed sketch premises to her and gave her full permission to do whatever she wanted.

She's doing alright but her performances in her previous seemed more humorous and more authentic.  It seems as if she's just phoning it in tonight and just hamming it up for the audience.

This episode has been disappointing tonight.  A majority of the cast is doing well with the sketches though-- particularly Bill Hader and Jason Sudeikis.

Phoenix's next performance is coming up.

Another bizarre character played by McCarthy

Jason Sudeikis is a good straightman as always.

This character of McCarthy's seems a little like her character from the cvook-off sketch; minus the dance moves. 

Her characters are starting to blend together now.

We are back

Next sketch is coming up

Bill Hader is always good at play game show host characters

Melissa MCarthy is doing a good job as this character.  Though the joke of the sketch is very predictable.

That was a short sketch.

Commercials are on now.

We are back with a parody of "Wheel of Fortune"

Melissa McCarthy is doing alright with the sketch.  Though the joke of revealing the answers has been done before with other game show sketches on SNL.

That was an unexpected cameo

Peter Dinklage's appearance improved the segment.

"Weekend Update" featured good performances though the writing wasn't great at all.

Next sketch is coming up.

Peter Drinklage from "Game of Thrones"

Never expected to see him on the show!  He's doing good with the material.  And he has good chemistry with Bobby Moynihan as well.

Bobby Moynihan's Drunk Uncle again

Moynihan's performance is alright but thse segments tend to drag .

His "tax of life" song intro made me chuckle.

This bit is already going on a bit too long.

Kenan Thompson's performance is improving the quality of this segment as well.

The writing hasn't been entirely great so far tonight.

I liked Seth Meyers' Ernie and Bert joke

His Wal-Mart joke was alright as well.

I actually like Kenan Thompson's impression of Charles Barkley.  I like how he always mispromounces word and his upbeat delivery is humorous as well.

Bayer's performance as this character is alright

Her delivery and performance is improving the quality of the segment. Some of the jokes went on a bit too long also.

Seth Meyers' jokes haven't been great so far

Vanessa Bayer played this character during the Martin Short show this past December

"Weekend Update" is on now

Commercials are on now

"Weekend Update with Seth Meyes" is coming up next

Good performance by Phoenix!

Phoenix has a good sound

I'm liking this performance by them. 

I've heard Phoenix's music before

They have a very good sound.  And I've heard this song before as well.  I like the melody of this song.

The lead singer has a good voice as well.

We are back with Phoenix

Phoenix's first performance is coming up

Commercials are on now

I'm REALLY looking forward to seeing Vince Vaughn host next week's episode.  He'll be back on the show after almost fifteen years!

Kenan Thompson is giving a good performance in this commercial spoof

That was an alright ad spoof

Now it seems that this sketch is an opportunity for McCarthy to dance on stage

McCarthy's doing alright though there's absolutely no jokes whatsoever. 

MCarthy's overall performance was alright but in all honestly, thus sketch wasn't that great.

The comment about her being in seventh place was an alright way to end the sketch.

Country fair cook-off sketch

This is an interesting premise so far.

We are back!

Next sketch is coming up

Commercials on now

And yes, I saw the trailer for "The Hangover Part III".  I'll be writing a pieve about my overall thoughts of the third film in the near future.

I also like Jason Sudeikis' impression of Blake Shelton

The writing in this sketch isn't great but the performances are good though.

Kenan Thompson's Cee-Lo Green impression is good  as well.

That sketch's conclusion was very abrupt though.

"Voice" parody

Taran Killam's impression of Carson Daly was alright.

Melissa McCarthy's performance is good so far.

Bill Hader's impression of Adam Levine is good and Jay Pharoah's doing a good job mimicing Usher's normal and speaking voice.

I like Cecily Strong's impression of Shakira as well.

We are back!

Next sketch is coming up

Commercials are on now

This sketch isn't very funny so far

The writing of the sketch isn't that great.  Jay Pharoah's facial expressions got a brief chuckle out of me though.

Melissa McCarthy's performance in this sketch isn't as genuine or hilarious as those she bestowed during her first episode last season.

Bill Hader gave a good performance though as his sports anchor.

ESPN sketch

This isn't very funny so far/  The joke so far seems to be that she's a cursing and abrasive basketball coach.

Good to see Featured player Tim Robinson get good airtime.

McCarthy seems a little out of it during this monologue

Is she improvising a majority of this monolologue?  It seems as if she wasn't given any material at all.

She seems a little tired tired during her monologue

Taran Killam gave a good musica performance.

This monologue seems a little all over the place so far.

I hope Melissa McCarthy gets good sketches tonight.

I REALLY hope tonight's show is good.

Wow! They got the actual Dennis Rodman!

That's was a surprising cameo.  Tood bad he wasn't given anything funny though.  Very enthusiastic LFNY delivery though,

This isn't a great opening so far

These March Madness jokes aren't that great either.

Another instance of the SNL writers using sex jokes as an easy way to get laughs from the audiece

Bobby Moynihan does alright with his impression of Kim Jong Un

This opening hasn't been very funny so far though.

A cold opening focusing on Kim Jong Un

I've never been a big fan of these translation cold openings.  They usually go on a bit too long.

And We are Live....NOW!!!!!!

It's Getting to that Time

In just a little over ninety minuets, my live-blogging coverage of tonight's episode of "Saturday Night Live" will begin.  Starting at 11:30pm, I will be commenting on the sketches, the performances of the SNL Castmembers and Guest Host Melissa McCarthy, the writing, and anything else that comes to mind during the show.  And by tomorrow night, I will be posting a review of the whole show.

So be sure to have your televisions set to NBC by 11:30pm and have my blog on your computer screens.  Be sure to keep refreshing your computer screens in order to see my latest comments.  Feel free to share your own thoughts by clicking the "comment" link underneath any of my posts.  Your feedback means a lot and I look forward to seeing your opinions. 

So thank you all for following my blog and I'll see you at 11:30pm.

Tonight, I will be Live-Blogging "Saturday Night Live"

Host Picture of Melissa McCarthy from her first show in 2011 taken from,r:4,s:0,i:97

Tonight, beginning at 11:30pm, I will be covering this week's episode of "Saturday Night Live".  Hosting tonight is actress Melissa McCarthy; who's returning to emcee the program for her second time-- her first being on October 1st, 2011.  Since hosting, McCarthy has earned an Academy Award Nomination for her scene-stealing performance as "Megan"-- the sharp-tongued future sister-in-law of Maya Rudolph's character.  Following her role in "Bridesmaids", McCarthy co-starred with Jason Bateman in "Identity Thief", which was released on February 8th, 2013, and will also star alongside Sandra Bullock in the police-comedy "The Heat"; which will be leased on June 28, 2013. 

Image of Melissa McCarthy as "Megan" in "Bridesmaids" taken from,r:1,s:0,i:88

I enjoyed Melissa McCarthy's first hosting appearance on "Saturday Night Live" back in 2011; mostly because she was able to strongly improve the sketches through her very enthusiastic performances.  One such sketch featured McCarthy as a character named "Arlene"; who was part of a focus group that was assigned to sample different flavors of Hidden Valley Ranch Dressing.  I remember her character being so passionate about the dressings that she literally poured one of the concoctions all over herself in a state of pure ecstasy. Another performance of McCarthy's I enjoyed took place in an office-setting; where she portrayed an employee that was constantly hitting on a co-worker; played straightfowardly by Castmember Jason Sudeikis.  Watching McCarthy enable her character to stretch out in a flirtatious manner was quite humorous; mostly due to her strong commitment the role.   Watching McCarthy   being so very willing to go the extra mile  throughout the episode's sketches was enough to get me hoping that she would host again.  Hopefully tonight is no different and McCarthy is given some creative opportunities to exhibit her comedy dedication.

Image of "Saturday Night Live" Castmember Taran Killam, Melissa McCarthy as "Arlene", and "Saturday Night Live" Castmember Abby Elliot in the Hudson Valley Ranch Focus Group sketch taken from

I am also wondering if Former "Saturday Night Live" Castmember Kristen Wiig will cameo tonight.  Wiig, who starred in and co-wrote "Bridesmaids", had very good comedic chemistry with McCarthy in the 2011 comedy.  I would enjoy seeing Kristen Wiig guest star in tonight's episode So, hopefully tand engage in sketches with McCarthy.

So I'm looking forward to tonight's show.  And throughout the episode, I will be commenting on the sketches, the performances, the writing, and anything else that comes to mind.  And by tomorrow night, I will be posting a review of the show that outlines my opinions in more detail.

So be sure to have your televisions set to NBC by 11:30pm and have my blog set on your computers.  Be sure to keep refreshing your computer screens throughout the night so you can see my latest opinions.  Feel free to share your own thoughts by clicking the "comment link underneath any of my posts.  Your feedback means a lot and I look forward to seeing your opinions.

So stay tuned and I look forward to a hopefully good show tonight.  See you at 11:30pm!

Friday, April 5, 2013

Tomorrow Night, I will be Live-Blogging "Saturday Night Live"

Image of "Saturday Night Live" Castmember Taran Killam and Guest Host Melissa McCarthy taken from,r:53,s:0,i:251

Tomorrow night beginning at 11:30pm, I will be live-blogging this week's episode of "Saturday Night Live"; which will be hosted by Melissa McCarthy, who will be appearing on the show for her second time.  Joining McCarthy as the show's musical guest will be the band Phoenix; who last appeared on the show in April 2009,

Throughout the show, I will be commenting on the sketches, the performances, the writing, and anything else that comes to mind.  And by Sunday night, I will be posting an in-depth episode review that outlines my opinions in greater detail.

Be sure to have your televisions set to NBC by 11:30pm and have my blog on your computers.  Be sure to keep refreshing your computer screens so you can see my latest comments.  Feel free to share your own thoughts by clicking the "comment" link underneath any of my posts.  Your feedback means a lot and I look forward to seeing your opinions.

So stay tuned and I'll see you tomorrow night!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

RIP Roger Ebert (June 18, 1942- April 4, 2013)

Image of Roger Ebert taken from,r:3,s:0,i:174&biw=1152&bih=491

Today, the Entertainment Industry mourns the loss of esteemed movie critic Roger Ebert.  The seventy-year-old film critic has died today after a long battle with Cancer.

Ebert was known for hosting the long-running series "At The Movies" along with Gene Siskel from 1986-1999; until the latter died of surgery complications.  In 2000, Richard Roeper served at Ebert's co-host until the latter suspended his stay on the show as he began to undergo treatment for typhoid cancer beginning in 2006.  Ebert formally ended his time on "At The Movies" in July 2008.

Roger Ebert was known for his "Thumbs Up / Thumbs Down" method of reviewing movies; a method of film critique that helped many moviegoers decide on which films to either view in theaters or avoid completely.

Though I never always agreed with Roger Ebert, his style of film reviewing was very interesting and I did find myself being engrossed in his take on different trends in movies.

Roger Ebert will be missed.