Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Coming Soon to My Blog: A Quick Look at The Future

I'm back from my holiday vacation; and I have plenty in store. Here's what you can expect to be featured on my blog for December as well as the future:

1. More live-blogging of "Saturday Night Live." This upcoming Saturday marks the start of three consecutive weeks of live episodes. Every week there is a new episode, I will be posting my comments as the show airs; reviewing the writing of the sketches as well as the performances. My coverage for December kicks off this Saturday night when Steve Buscemi will be hosting the show for his second time. Joining him will be The Black Keys; who will be serving as the show's musical guest for the second time. I look forward to covering this week's episode; as well as the following two shows airing on December 10 and 17 respectfully. I will be live-blogging and reviewing every episode for the rest of the season as well; so beprepared! I will be blogging ALOT!!!

2. In-depth film reviews will be featured on my blog. I will be posting detailed critiques that concentrate on the plotline and th acting in different films; as well as commenting on any matters that come to mind. Before the end of the month, I plan on posting comprehensive reviews for your reading pleasure. I look forward to seeing good films in the upcoming weeks; so keep your eyes open. YOU DO NOT want to miss out on a single review.

3. I will be offering reviews of television shows as well. I look forward to posting commentaries on the state of certain shows in the next upcoming weeks. For instance, I plan on writing a commentary on the overall state of "The Office;" detailing on my thoughts on how the show has recently fared without Steve Carell. In addition, I will be writing my overall opinions on the current state of "Saturday Night Live" which will include details on the show's writing and performances as well as the complete treatment of the show's hosts throughout the first half of the season. Expect this writing to be up sometime after the episodes in December have all aired.

4. Finally, as 2012 gets underway, I will post my thoughts on some of my favorite films of 2011. Instead of posting my Top Ten Films (which I did this past January), I will be sharing My Favorite Performances of 2011. This will focus on which actresses and actors stood out this past year and why. A good number of performances have impressed me this year and I look forward to sharing them with you. This will be posted in early 2012; as I await some great feats for December.

Furthermore, as Award Season heats up, you can bet that I will be getting into the spirit of the season. I plan on commenting on the performances of actresses and actors that get nominated for either Golden Globe (The announcements will be made on December 15) or an Academy Award (The announcements will be on January 24, 2012). I will be posting an article that focuses on a the overall impact of a nominated performance. Furthermore, I will post detailed reviews of nominated films and whether or not they deserve the honors. Then, during the telecast of the 69th Annual Golden Globes, I will be posting my comments on how the evening's playing out and whether or not the right people are winning. I will be live-blogging the 84th Annual Academy Awards on February 26, 2012 as well. Henceforth, the next few months are going to be VERY BUSY!!!

In addition, December 2 marks the One-Year Anniversary of "That's Nater-Tainment!!!" I can't believe that I've been blogging a full year! It's been an AMAZING experience reviewing different films, Opinionating on My Favorite Television Programs, and Live-Blogging Awards Shows and Episodes of "Saturday Night Live!" It's Been So Much Fun and I Don't I Thank You All for Following, Visiting, and Commenting on my blog. I look forward to the future and I don't want it to stop! So stay tuned for More Nater-Tainment!!!!

E-mail me at thatsnatertainment@gmx.com

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