Saturday, January 7, 2012

A Reminder About Tonight

Don't miss my live-blogging of tonight's episode of "Saturday Night Live;" which is being hosted by Former Basketball Player Charles Barkley; who will be joined by Kelly Clarkson as the musical guest. I will be commenting on the writing of the sketches, the performances of Barkley and the cast, and sharing my opinions regarding other matters that come to mind during the show. Needless to say, I am doing A LOT of blogging!

Now I know there's a NFL game airing on NBC right now. And it might be going into overtime; thus delaying the telecast. But do not worry. I promise that as soon as "Saturday Night Live" starts, so will my coverage. Just make sure to have your televisions set to NBC by 11:30pm. I promise you that my coverage will happen right when the show starts!

So be prepared for my live-blogging of tonight's "Saturday Night Live." Feel free to share your opinions regarding any of my posted comments. Your feedback means a lot. So stay tuned and I'll see you when "Saturday Night Live begins!

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