Saturday, December 17, 2011

All in all, A Good Show

Jimmy Fallon was a very good host and he was VERY enthusiastic throughout the show. He performed very well with the cast; and the writing was better than it was recently; with a few exceptions of course.

I liked seeing Jimmy Fallon and Rachel Dratch reprise their Boston Teens characters for the opening. though the performances were very good; but thesketch felt a tad rushed at different points; especially when Amy Poehler made her surprise appearance.

Jimmy Fallon's musical monologue was fun and I liked seeing him sing while walking throughout the backstage of the SNL studios. I liked seeing the cast run onto the stage with Fallon and dancing together in their holiday sweaters. Lorne Michaels pearing was a nice surprise as well.

I liked seeing Kristen Wiig portray Kathie Lee Gifford once again; as her impression is very funny. Jimmy Fallon's Regis Philbin impression was great; though Nasim Pedrad's portrayal of Hoda Kotb was weak. This sketch seemed a tad rushed as well.

I REALLY liked the advertisement-spoof featuring Michael Buble' doing duets with various performers. I liked Fallon's impression of Russel Brand; though his portrayal of Sting was a tad over-the-top. I thoughout that Abby Elliot was very funny as Ke$ha and Jay Pharaoh's Kanye West was very funny as well. Michael Buble' interacted well with the cast and Jimmy Fallon and the sketch were good.

I liked the bit where Jimmy Fallon pretended to be speaking to his reflection in the mirror; and Andy Samberg did a good impression of Jimmy Fallon. The two performers had good chemistry and I liked seeing Fallon poke fun at himself. It was a nice sketch and I enjoyed their performances very much.

I hought that both Kristen Wiig and Jimmy Fallon performed well during the Christmas party sketch. However, this was he first sketch in which the writing was very weak. Both performers had good chemistry and they played their parts well. But the sketch didn't really go anywhere.

I was happy to see Fallon, Horatio Sanz, Chris Kattan, and Tracy Morgan reunite to perform their well-known Christmas song. But the whole segment seemed very rushed as well. In addition, Tracy Morgan looked uninterested as he ran in place for the duration of the segment.
The performances by Fallon and Sanz were very good; and they looked happy to be on stage together.

"Weekend Update" tonight was actually not bad. Seth Meyers had a few good jokes and he gave a good performance throughout the segment. Andy Samberg once again portrayed Nicholas Cage in a very hilarious fashion and I enjoyed seeing him interact with Jude Law. The writing was fair; but I wish that Jude Law got to do more.

I was VERY HAPPY to see Jimmy Fallon and Tina Fey square-off against Seth Meyers and Amy Poehler for a "Weekend Update Joke-Off." I loved seeing all four performers together on "Weekend Update" together and they were all funny together. Tonight probably featured the best installment of "Weekend Update" of the season so far.

I also liked the sketch in which Jimmy Fallon portrayed Ludwig Von Beethoven. The idea of himntroducing the members of his band was very cleverAlso, Kristen Wiig's "Triangle Sally" character fit into the sketch very well. Jimmy Fallon was very enthusiastic; thus the entire sketch was very good.

The "War Horse" sketch was very silly throughout its duration. However, all the performances were very good. Jimmy Fallon made me laugh as he acted like a horse; and he acted well alongside Andy Samberg nce again. Kenan Thompson was actually funny when voicing the puppet and Jason Sudeikis did very well portraying the minstral that narrated portions of the performances. In addition, Bill Hader and Kristen Wiig were very funny as the confused audience members watching the performance and commenting on the action. Even though the sketch was silly, the performances by everyone involved made everything much better.

I also liked the final sketch of the night that featured Jason Sudeikis portraying Jesus Christ and talking with Tim Tebow, played by Featured Player Taran Killam, and The Denver Broncos; played by some of the members of the SNL cast. All the performances were good and Sudeikis was funny as always. Surprising that Fallon wasn't in the sketch; but nevertheless, a nice closing sketch.

I really liked seeing Jimmy Fallon, the cast, and the special guests saying good night from the Rockefeller Center Skating Rink. Those holiday send-offs are always nice and I like seeing everyone skate together.

Michael Buble' performed his two songs very well and it was nice seeing some Christmas songs performed by the musical guest of the Christmas show.

And that's the show. Jimmy Fallon was a GREAT host and his enthusiastic performance shined in every sketch. I liked that there was a fine mix between reoccurring and original sketches tonight and it was a VERY GOOD way of wrapping-up 2011. I'm DEFINITELY ranking Fallon as one of the best hosts of the season; along with Alec Baldwin, Steve Buscemi, and Melissa McCarthy. He did a GREAT job and I hope he hosts again next season!

And that's the final episode of SNL for 2011. Charles Barkley will be hosting the show for his third time when the show returns live in January. I'm looking forward to live-blogging that show.

And that's my review. Before the next show airs, I will be writing an opinion piece regarding the first half of this season of SNL. I'm REALLY looking forward to writing that piece.

And that's it. Thank you all for following me tonight. I had a good time live-blogging the show. Thank you all and I hoping to have my article up on my blog by Tuesday night at the latest.

Thanks again and have a good night!

EDIT: I apologize for the delay but it looks like my next piece will now be up by tomorrow night at some point. I promise it will be up by then.

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