Saturday, December 10, 2011

All in all, a very weak episode

I'm disappointehat Katy Perry proved to be a very unmemorable host. She wasn't funny at all and she hardly acted in any sketches. We got to see her sing a lot; but well know that she is a good singer already.

The opening sketch was good. I liked seeing Darrell Hammond guest star and bring back his Donald Trump impression. He was very funny and he did very well alongside Kristen Wiig; who was good as Greta Van Sustran.

The monologue was barely anything. Basically the castmembers were trying to get Katy Perry to kiss them. The joke got old; though Wiig, Samberg, Hader did the best they could with the material. Unfortunately, there wasn't anything there.

J-Pop American Fun Time was brought back from Anna Farris' first episode. Taran Killam and Vanessa Bayer gave good performances; but the writing was very weak. Sudiekis was amusing as the producer; and I wish he was given more to do. Katy Perry didn't contribute anything to this sketch.

The commercial parody of "New Year's Eve" was very funny and very accurate. All the castmembers' impressions were good; especially Bill Hader's Alan Alda and Jay Pharaoh's Cuba Gooding Jr.

Kristen Wiig's talk-show sketch was very weak. The joke about the clips and her having a very good research team got old fast. She gave a good performance; but the writing wasn't there at all. I did chuckle at the footage of Wiig with the cats; but other than that, it wasn't funny at all. Once again, Katy Perry didn't contribute anything at all; other than trying to act confused.

The digital short was very creative; but it was plain strange. It was also another excuse for Katy Perry to sing. I did get a slight laugh out of the deranged bird puppet; but otherwise, it didn't really go anywhere.

The movie soundtrack commercial-parody was cute; but it was basically a rehashed sketch from when Anne Hathaway hostedin November of 2010. That being said, the impressions were good; but is ultimately proved to be yet ANOTHER excuse for Katy Perry to sing.

"Weekend Update" was decent. Seth Meyers tried his best with the jokes; but they weren't entirely funny. Kristen Wiig debuted another character; but the material wasn't funny at all. However, she did give a good performance and her chemistry with Seth Meyers was good. I was very happy to see Alec Baldwin make an apearance regarding his airline incident. I liked the idea of him playing a character and I enjoyed his interactions with Seth Meyers. Finally, Bill Hader once again played Stefon; though his segment wasn't as good as previous installments. Hader was funny and his chemistry with Seth Meyers was good as always; but the ending wan't exactly anything special at all.

The sketch in which Bill Hader and Fred Armisen played the royal couple wasn't funny at all. The sketch was done before when Sior Elton John hosted this past April. Though I will say that Hader and Armisen gave decent performances; though the material wasn't funny at all. IIn addition, aside from talking in a feeble British accent, Katy Perry didn't do anything special at all; d the sketch turned out in being JUST ANOTHER OUTLET for her to sing.

Kenan Thompson then got to demonstrate his very weak impression of Rev. Al Sharpton. The talk show sketch was not funny at all; and Katy Perry didn't do ANYTHING special at all. She didn't even sing as well. Featured Player Taran Killam was given nothing to do. If you all want to see him demonstrate his good comedic and musical talents, I recommend that you look up this past Thursday's episode of "Community" on the Internet. Taran Killam is VERY talented and it's a shame that he wasn't given anything truly memorable to do tonight; other than presenting a very quick Ashton Kutcher impression during the "New Year's Eve" spoof.

The final sketch of the night wasn't funny at all. I liked seeing Bobby Moynihan star in a sketch; but he and the material wasn't funny at all. Katy Perry didn't even get to do anything special at all. I did enjoy Jason Sudiekis' performance though. He's a very good singer and I wish that the sketch could have revolved around him.

As for Robyn, I though that she was a very weak musical guest. She is practically copying Madonna's style of singing; and the musicwasn't good at all. After a great performance by The Black Keys last week, it was disappointing to see such a letdown of a musical guest.

So there you go. A very weak episode. Katy Perry was a very bland host and didn't contribute anything to sketches other than singing. Perry hardly acted and she wasn't funny at all.
Therefore, I am ranking this episode along with Anna Farris' show as the most disappointing of the season so far.

I am looking forward to seeing Jimmy Fallon return next week for his first-ever hosting stint. I'm sure he will give a good performance; as I thought he was a good castmember during his six-year stint on the late-night sketch-comedy show. Michael Buble should be a good musical guest as well.

So that's it. Thank you for following my live-coverage of "Saturday Night Live" tonight. I had a lot of fun and I look forward to doing it again next week. My next review is going to be posted by Monday night at the latest; as i want it to be Good.

Thank you again for following me. Have a good night everybody!

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