Saturday, January 14, 2012

It's Getting to that Time

Tonight at 11:30pm, my live coverage of "Saturday Night Live" will begin. I will be commenting on all the sketches and performances that air during the show; which will be hosted by Daniel Radcliffe. I am eagerly awaiting the show; as I think that it will be the last episode to air in January-- and new episodes will start airing again on February 4.

Also, as I said in the previous post, my Internet has been acting wierd today. If it appears that I stopped posting comments during the show; it's only because my Internet went down. Comcast will be checking out my system tomorrow morning; so everything should be up and running for my coverage of the Golden Globes-- which will kick off with the posting of a review of a nominated performance. Trust me, tomorrow is going to be very exciting!

So stay tuned for my live-blogging coverage of NBC's "Saturday Night Live." Make sure you keep refreshing your screens so you can see my latest comments. And don't worry about a thing. I'm posting comments until the show ends or my Internet goes down. Stay tuned and I'll see you at 11:30pm!

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