Saturday, January 14, 2012

A Reminder About Tonight

Tonight, "Saturday Night Live" is all-new with guest host Daniel Radcliffe; who is best known for starring as "Harry Potter" in the well-known franchise of the same name. Joining him as the show's musical guest is Lana Del Ray; who I'm not familiar with. But, I look forward to hearing her music for the first time tonight. I am excited to be commenting on the show as it airs live; sharing my opinions on the show's writing, performances, as well as anything else that comest to mind.

Now, just a word of warning for all of you. My Internet has been going on-and-off today. It was working fine when I woke up this morning; but then it went off for a few hours. It is working now; but I don't knowif it will go off again. If it does go down sometime before the show or even during it, thus disrupting my live-blogging coverage, don't worry. I'm having Comcast check out my system tomorrow morning. henceforth, I'll be able to post my next performance review by tomorrow afternoon and I'll also be able to live-blog the Golden Globes free of any problems. That being said, just to be on the safe side, I will NOT be posting a review after the episode. Instead, I will post an in-depth writing about about the show by Tuesday night at the latest; so you'll be able to get a complete write-out of my opinions of the show. So once again, don't worry if it appears that i stopped posting comments throughout the show; or even if there isn't any posting before the show. It's only because my Internet is experiencing problems. No matter what, everything should be up-and-running tomorror in time for the Golden Globes.

So thank you all for bearing with me tonight. I look forward to posting my comments throughout the show as it airs LIVE!!!! So stay tuned and I'll see you at 11:30pm for NBC's "Saturday Night Live!"

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