Saturday, April 14, 2012

That's the show

All in all, not the best show of the season at all. Josh Brolin was hardly given anything funny at all. I feel that he was wasted with very weak material.

The cold opening started off kind of silly with the singing of Green Day's "Time of Your Life;" but most of the performances saved t. It was nice seeing everyone present their impressions of all the Republican candidates. Bill Hader was truly hilarious as Rick Perry and Sudeikis was good as Mitt Romney as always. Kristen Wiig was great as well; but Kenan Thompson's Herman Cain wasn't very funny at all. It wasn't a bad opening; and it got better as it went on.

I was happy to see Josh Brolin get a simple monologue; but unfortunately, it ended very abruptly with Jay Pharaoh's Will Smith impression. Brolin handled himself well; though I wish he was given better material.

The Californians wasn't terrible; but it wasn't very funny. Everyone gave good performances. Unfortunately, the writing wasn't stellar at all. Though I liked everyone's Californian accents and all the acting was fine. I just wish that the sketch was actually funny.

The game show sketch featuring contestants performing variants of Jay-Z's "Empire State of Mind" was an interesting idea; but the sketch appeared a bit rushed throughout. All the performances were good; especially Jay pharaoh's -- as his Jay-Z impression was both accurate and funny. I enjoyed Josh Brolin's and Kristen Wiig's singing; as they gave the best performances out of all the sets of two-people singing groups. This was an intriguing sketch; but I feel it was played out too quickly.

Laser Cats 7 proved to be more strange than funny; but I did like all the references to Stephen Speilberg's films. His cameo was COMPLETELY unexpected; and his participation in the Laser Cats clip was funny as well. Both Bill Hader and Andy Samberg gave good performances; but unfortunately, I've seen too many Laser Cats shorts to find it entirely amazing. With rumors of Andy Samberg leaving the show after this season, I'm wondering if this is the last one.

Weekend Update wasn't great at all as well. Seth Meyers had a few funny jokes; but some of his quips fell flat. I don't have a lot to say about Fred Armisen and Kristen Wiig bringing back their characters Garth and Kat respectfully. The format of these segments basically follows the same format every time; with a couple exceptions. Fred Armisen and Kristen Wiig performed well; but their material was very weak.

Piers Morgan Tonight wasn't as good as its first installment. Once again, however, Taran Killam gave a good performance and his impression of Morgan is hilarious. The rest of the sketch, unfortunately, wasn't very funny; and Josh Brolin wasn't given anything funny at all. I also saw no need to bring back Andy Samberg's tightrope bouncer character back again; as his involvement was basically a complete rehash. This sketch had a lot of potential; thanks to Taran Killam's performance. However, he was the only funny performer in the sketch.

The high school sketch was creative; though I feel that the joke of the students walking slowly got a tad old. Nevertheless, everyone gave good performances; and Bill Hader was funny when he was explaining to Vanessa Bayer's character what was going on regarding the physics for why the students were walking slowly. I also feel that Josh Brolin was amusing as the scientist that was trying to find a cure for everyone's slow walking. I must say, however, the sketch ended a bit too abruptly.

The second digital short was great; as I loved seeing Andy Samberg and Taran Killam poke fun at Gotye's somewhat strange music video for "Someone I used to Know." Gotye was a good sport throughout the short; and it proved that he has a sense of humor about himself. Both Samberg and Killam were very funny and they played off Gotye very well. This was a MUCH MORE ENTERTAINING digital short than Laser Cats 7.

The school assembly sketch wasn't very funny. I liked seeing Jay Pharaoh front and center; as he gives good performances. Unfortunately, the writers didn't give him anything truly funny to do. In addition, I got a little tired of Josh Brolin's character going on and on about dating a student. The joke got old quick and he came off as kind of annoying in his performance. Kenan Thompson didn't deliver anything funny as well; and I didn't laugh at all.

All in all, most of this show could be considered to be be somewhat forgettable. Josh Brolin was hardly given anything special at all; though he did give good performances in some sketches. But unfortunately, he was saddled with weak material.

Gotye went on to be a good musical guest. He performed his songs well and his music was nice to listen to. I'm glad to see him involved in a digital short as well; and his reactions to Samberg's and Killam's antics were very good.

And that's my review. There are three episodes left in the season. The show returns May 5 with Eli Manning as the host and Rhianna as the musical guest. I truly hope that the final three shows are all good. If they are not, than I'll be sad to see this season end on a whimper; as the year started on a positive note when Alec Baldwin hosted the premier. But that's a post for another time.

Thank you so much for following me tonight and I look forward to posting my next writing.

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