Sunday, June 5, 2011

Well, that's the Show

I just want to say that the MTV Movie Awards are now a commercial for the "Twilight" Franchise. It really is a sad thing to see how this once entirely fun award show has now become a two hour advertisement for an overrated film franchise. If this keeps up, I don't know what's going to happen to this show. "Twilight" has now dominated the MTV Movie Awards for THREE YEARS IN A ROW!!!!!

But, I guess that what we get from a network that shows horrible and wasteful programs like "Jersey Show" and "16 and Pregnant." MTV barely even shows music videos anymore. I seriously don't know what to think at this point.

That being said, Jason Sudeikis did a great job as host and he moved the show along very well. However, there were a few jokes he made that I did not find funny or amusing at all.

I also want to congratulate Reese Witherspoon and Emma Stone once again on their much-deserved awards. They are the only winners that I am entirely happy for; and their great performances are truly memorable.

Well, that's it for tonight. I've had a fun time blogging and I thank you all for following my blog during the telecast. Have a great evening and I look forward to posting my next writing sometime this week.

Good Night Everybody!

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